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7 Things Less Cringeworthy Than Kanye’s Ode to Kim

Keeping Up With the Kardashians viewers will remember hearing a sneak peek of the song “Awesome” during the epic Kimye wedding episode. Kanye performed a full version of the same song at the 2013 Met Gala but has yet to release an official version—until now (kind of). Earlier this week, the studio version of the song, in all it’s auto-tuned glory, leaked—so now we can all listen to Kanye tell us how he really feels about Kim.

Multiple websites reported that this song was leaked after Kanye’s laptop was stolen in Paris, but a Def Jam representative claimed the rumor is completely untrue.

Regardless of how the song entered our consciousness, it quickly broke the Internet. The song is apparently dedicated to wife Kim Kardashian, and includes lyrics like “Baby you’re awesome/ You don’t need to listen to your manager/ You’re way too hot for them to handle ya.” It remains to be seen how Kris Jenner felt about that line, but here’s hoping for a subplot in the upcoming tenth season of KUWTK.

Regardless, the majority of the lyrics are so cringeworthy (“Cause baby you’re awesome/Also, I’m also awesome”), we couldn’t help but feel like this song is the most awkward thing in celebrity history. To prove that, we’ve put together a list of all the celeb moments that “Awesome” is as bad as…or even more so.

1. When Robin Thicke didn’t realize that EVERYBODY could see what was going on back there

2. Every time Kathy Griffin embarrassed Anderson Cooper on New Year’s Eve

3. When John Travolta tried kiss Scarlett Johansson at the 2015 Oscars, and she just wasn’t having it

4. And when John Travolta welcomed “Adele Dazeem” to the stage

5. That time Britney Spears really connected with her fans

6. Miley Cyrus’s entire 2013 MTV VMAs performance

7. The Kimye motorcycle ride nobody needed to see

We don’t know about you, but we’re kind of hoping “Awesome” doesn’t make it onto Kanye’s highly anticipated new album, So Help Me God.