Now that women can have any combat job in the miltary, top officials in the Army and the Marine Corps testified during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing that they support women registering for the military draft, according to the Washington Post. The hearing was scheduled to discuss the complete integration of women in the military.
“Senator, I think that all eligible and qualified men and women should register for the draft,” voiced Army chief of staff General Mark A. Milley. These sentiments on gender equality registration were also supported by Marine Corps commandant General Robert B. Neller of the Marine Corps and Senator Claire McCaskill. “Now that the restrictions that exempted women from [combat jobs] don’t exist, then you’re a citizen of a United States,” Neller said at the hearing. “It doesn’t mean you’re going to serve, but you go register.”
Previously, only men were had to register to serve in the force, as required by the Military Selective Service Act. But in December, all combat unit jobs became available to women—opening the door to making women fully equal in the military.
Not everyone agrees that having women register for draft is a great step forward. As Sally Kohn writes in Refinery29, there are many other issues left unaddressed, like the fact that many people feel they have to join the army to get access to a college education. But, if we’re going to have a draft, doesn’t it seem unfair in 2016 that only men should have to sign up for it?