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‘The Bachelor’ Exclusive: Lauren Defends Her Personality & Apparently Arie’s Quirks Are Too Quirky For the Public

Now several days after The Bachelor two-part finale, the entertainment world has been abuzz with both the backlash against Arie’s decision to publicly show the breakup and the support for his decision to follow his heart. After hopping from interview to interview, Arie and Lauren sat down for a press call with a number of outlets, including Her Campus, to give the final scoop.

While much of the press wanted to know the reason behind and the timeline of the breakup, Her Campus sought out more intimate details about Arie and Lauren as people. There was a lot of frustration when the same probing questions were being asked again and again, so going a different direction helped dissolve some of the tension.

When asked how she dealt with being a less extroverted woman on the show, Lauren responded, “It wasn’t really emotionally draining for me to be on dates and in a social setting. I think I thrive in that setting but I wasn’t—I’m just not the kind of person that needs to be the center of attention all the time.”


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Many #TeamBecca fans have scrutinized Lauren’s supposedly boring personality and lack of language skills. We know there have been previous contestants in the past with a quiet demeanor, but Lauren has received a lot of criticism for her poor conversations with Arie. Although she seems to be a woman of few words, Lauren believes it’s all about perception. “I just I don’t think I have anything to prove to anyone,” she said. “People can draw their own conclusions but I think that I’m a fun person and I have a lot of friends and I do have a personality.”

And obviously Arie loves Lauren’s personality, one the public didn’t get too see much of during the show. Even though opposites supposedly attract, Arie has found that both he and his new fiancée are almost the same person. As it should be, he’s learned even more about her in the last couple of months.

“I think that all the things that I knew about her on the show I was totally correct about. She’s like super funny, we’re very much alike,” Arie said. “We were talking today in a couple of interviews that we actually wrote some Valentine’s Day cards to each other and they were almost exactly the same. So it’s really kind of interesting how similar we are and our mannerisms are very similar, too, and we both are passionate about the same things.”

With any serious relationship, both people won’t be exactly the same. There are always little quirks that one person has the accept about the other. When asked if Arie has any unique habits, she said, “Yes, [he] has so many [that] it’s hard to choose one.”

They giggled quietly and whispered inaudibly with one another about which one to reveal, but at last Arie said, “I don’t know. None that I guess we can cue you guys on.”

Now that Arie and Lauren have officially gone on their first public date, it’s time to turn the attention toward Becca’s upcoming season on The Bachelorette and let the new couple live their lives normally (which probably won’t ever happen).

Emily Schmidt

Stanford '20

Emily Schmidt is a junior at Stanford University, studying English and Spanish. Originally from the suburbs of Philadelphia, she quickly fell in love with the Californian sunshine and warm winter temperatures. Emily writes a hodgepodge of pieces from satiric articles for The Stanford Daily to free-verse poetry to historical fiction. Just like her writing repertoire, her collection of hobbies are widely scattered from speed-crocheting to Irish dancing to practicing calligraphy. When she is not writing or reading, Emily can also be found jamming out to Phil Collins or watching her favorite film, 'Belle.'