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Bernie Sanders is Firing Almost Half His Campaign Staff

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is laying off more than 200 members of his campaign team, CNN reports.

The news follows after Sanders lost four states during Tuesday’s primaries: Delaware, Connecticut, Maryland and Pennsylvania.

The decision is apparently an effort to focus on his staff members left in states that have not yet voted in the primaries, which Sanders’ adviser told CNN is the natural progession of any campaign.

“We want to win as many delegates as we can, so we do not need workers now in states around the country,” The New York Times reports Sanders said. “We don’t need people right now in Connecticut. That election is over. We don’t need them in Maryland. So what we are going to do is allocate our resources to the 14 contests that remain, and that means that we are going to be cutting back on staff.”

With just a hand full of states left, CNN argues that the decision could be a small acknowledgement of defeat saying he’s “not preparing for the long haul.” Sanders believes he’s just consolidating for the time being, however.
“If we win this, every one of those great people who have helped us get this far, they will be rehired,” CNBC reports Sanders said. “But right now, we have to use all of the resources we have and focus them on the remaining states.” 
India is a former campus correspondent at Southern Methodist University and a former national news blogger at HerCampus.com. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @IndiaPougher!