College debt creeps up in the news constantly, as many students struggle to pay their post-secondary tuitions. Some universities have made it their mission to make education affordable for all, but which colleges are doing the best — and which aren’t?
The Princeton Review may be best known for its all-around top college rankings, but the admissions consulting company just released a list of its “Best Value Colleges.” By analyzing admissions, tuition costs and financial aid programs, the Princeton Review generated a list of 150 colleges that it deems the most academically and financially rewarding.
The list includes 75 public colleges and 75 private institutions. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill tops the rankings of affordable public colleges, while Williams College takes the number one spot for private schools.
With the exception of Pomona College in California, the top 10 Best Value private colleges are located in the Northeast, whereas about half of the Best Value public colleges are in the South.
Does your college make the cut? If so, what is it doing right? If not, what do you think your college needs to do to ensure that every student gets an equal financial footing and a fair shot at completing school without going broke? Let us know by leaving a comment below!