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6 Fun National Voter Registration Day Activities To Do With Friends

Brat summer is over, which means it’s almost officially autumn — and it also means we’re less than two months away from the 2024 presidential election on Nov. 5. Whether you’re excited to get to the polls in November or you’re really dreading the whole thing and just want it to be done and over with, it’s almost time to cast your vote. But first, it’s crucial that you make sure you’re registered to vote. 

TBH, even if you’re sure you’re registered, it never hurts to check and make sure your voter registration status is still active! If you’re sure you registered, call up your friends and family to make sure they are, too, and help ensure everyone’s on the same page when it comes to when — and how — they’re planning to vote, so there are no surprises or confusion when the big day arrives. 

Luckily, Sept. 17 is National Voter Registration Day. This day is a great time to check your registration, but if you want to go a step further, there are plenty of ways you can celebrate, too!

Here are just a few of the ways you and your friends can have fun this year on National Voter Registration Day.

1. Create a voting plan.

Registering is only half the battle — you still have to show up and vote on Election Day! And it’s never too early to make a plan to vote. Are you going to the ballot box in person on Nov. 5, or are you voting by mail? Do you need to request an absentee ballot? Do you need to request time off work to give yourself time to get to a polling station? These are the questions you should ask yourself now, so that when November comes you already have a plan in motion. You can also have some fun with it — maybe plan a cute coffee run before, or treat yourself with a shopping spree afterward as a reward for participating in the democratic process.

2. Volunteer to register others to vote.

Once you’re registered, you can make a difference in others’ lives by helping them to register, as well. If you’re in college, check if there are already clubs or organizations that help students register to vote on campus. Some organizations will even have free swag for volunteers or registrants. You can also simply text your family, friends, and even acquaintances, “Hey, are you registered to vote?” A simple reminder can go a long way, so reach out to as many people as possible!

3. Write postcards to voters in swing states.

In the past, presidential elections have come down to just a few states, like Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia. A handful of voters in these swing states have the power to literally decide the election, so it’s important to support as many of them as possible to vote. Programs like Activate America have information online for how to reach out to swing state voters. You can also make live phone calls on behalf of your favorite candidates. Have some friends over for a phone banking or postcard-writing session to see who can get the most voter responses!

4. Host a voter registration party.

Politics are stressful; this election may be more so than most. But that doesn’t mean there’s no joy to be found in participating in the electoral process. Throw a party, or put together a low-key event with close friends, to celebrate your voter registration. If you’re feeling extra patriotic, you can even whip up some red, white, and blue treats for your guests.

5. Do some research.

It’s never too early to research your ballot options — and not just for the presidential election! Do some research to find out who is running for Congress, as well as all of the local positions up for election. Voting down the whole ballot is important, and you’ll feel a lot more confident in November if you’ve already done your homework on who you want to vote for. If candidate research doesn’t sound fun to you, try making a patriotic music playlist or researching with friends to keep things interesting.

6. Ask your dating app matches if they’re registered to vote.

Randomly messaging people on dating apps is always a fun pastime when you’re bored. For National Voter Registration Day, you could incorporate asking your matches if they’re registered to vote. Break the ice with the question, then get to know them a little by how they answer! It might lead to more than a conversation, too — a win-win for everyone!

All of these ideas are simple, low-cost, and effective. Make a difference this National Voter Registration Day by spreading the word about voting as far as possible — it could make all the difference during the election.

Jordyn Stapleton has been a National Lifestyle Writer for Her Campus since February 2023. She covers a variety of topics in her articles, but is most passionate about writing about mental health and social justice issues. Jordyn graduated from CU Boulder in December 2022 with Bachelor’s degrees in music and psychology with a minor in gender studies and a certificate in public health. Jordyn was involved in Her Campus during college, serving as an Editorial Assistant and later Editor-in-Chief for the CU Boulder chapter. She has also worked as a freelance stringer for the Associated Press. Jordyn is currently taking a gap year and working at a local business in Boulder, with hopes of attending graduate school in fall 2024. Jordyn enjoys reading, bullet journalling, and listening to (preferably Taylor Swift) music in her free time. If she isn’t brainstorming her next article, you can usually find her exploring coffee shops or hiking trails around Boulder with her friends.