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Glamour Defends Decision to Include Amy Schumer in Plus-Size Issue

On a refreshing note, Glamour recently released a plus-size issue called “Chic at Any Size,” which is a nice change from the usual stick-thin models we see on newsstands. It hasn’t all gone well, though—the magazine is receiving serious backlash from comedian Amy Schumer after they included her in the issue.  

Although the issue framed her in a positive manner by including her name under “The Women Who Inspire Us” on the front cover, Glamour never contacted Schumer about her inclusion. Schumer took to Instagram, talking about how she fluctuates between size 6 and 8, whereas plus size in America is considered size 16.

Cue damage control. Glamour Editor in Chief Cindi Leive took to Twitter went on Nightline to try to make peace with Amy Schumer, but also to defend the plus-size issue. On Twitter, Leive expressed Glamour‘s love for Schumer and explained that they chose her name on the cover because of her inspiring body-positivity messages. She also went on to point out that the issue never actually called her plus-size.

During Leive’s Nightline interview, she explained that they included Schumer’s name and article because the issue was about spreading the message that there are great clothes for everyone. She didn’t intend for Schumer to be portrayed as plus-size in any way.

“The cover line says ‘Women Who Inspire Us,’ and we felt the audience for this special edition would be inspired by her completely hilarious and constant, consistent message of body positivity,” said Leive in the interview.

It’s great to see the magazine take a turn to emphasize body positivity—and plus-size or not, Glamour is right in saying Amy Schumer is a trailblazer in the body positivity movement.

Blair Donovan is a junior at Miami University in Ohio studying Journalism and Professional Writing. As an online shopping addict, she spends her free time stalking outfits on social media and ordering more clothes than she could ever possibly need. You can almost always find her watching Netflix or eating macaroni and cheese. She hopes to pursue a career as a writer at a fashion magazine.