What do you get when you mix Adam Driver with an ASMR-worthy scene from HBO’s Girls involving a delicious bowl of soup? Allow me to introduce you to the “Good Soup” TikTok trend, which I’ll admit, is super random, yet also the palate cleanser that I didn’t know my FYP needed. Just when I thought the world’s obsession with Adam Driver couldn’t be more apparent, he managed to break the internet again with just two simple words: “good soup.”
The TikTok trend uses audio from a 2017 episode of Girls in which Adam Driver and Lena Dunham’s characters meet at a diner. In the scene, Driver slurps a bowl of soup, then makes an “OK” gesture and says softly, “good soup.” TikTokers have pointed out the ASMR-like quality of the scene (okay, the audio is very satisfying), like creator @tobyrose_h, who comments: “there’s so much to unpack in this audio. why is the audio so crisp. what is the music in the background. why does he so hard.” And after seeing this trend a million times today, I have to agree.
You can find the “Good Soup” TikTok trend by searching for the hashtag #GoodSoup, which currently has 118 million views. Fair warning, though, if you haven’t eaten dinner yet, it may make you hungry. At first glance, you’ll notice that many TikTokers are actually enjoying bowls of soup, along with other hot, melty things. And if you’re like me, you’ll probably think, “What in the world is going on here? Why is this a trend?” But after some sleuthing, you’ll see creators interpreting the trend in creative ways, too — generally using Driver’s line, “good soup,” as an affirmation for something (think: the equivalent of “nice”).
There are many intriguing examples of this oddly-specific TikTok trend, and in my opinion, it’s important to get a well-rounded understanding before filming yourself with a bowl of Campbell’s. Take Merrilee, for example, who just made her room smell like lavender. Or TikToker @artychai, who just cleansed her crystals. Sarah’s sarcastic version says, “Me drinking my $7 iced vanilla oat milk latte knowing full well it’s the same price as a day’s worth of groceries” followed by Driver’s line, “good soup.” TikToker @emwolfee says, “When I pay $60,000 for school but they have a pretty building and nice lawn for tanning.” Good (albeit, expensive) soup.
If you’re still confused, “good soup” can be used to refer to genuinely gratifying moments in life — like when you finally do your skincare routine after neglecting it for the past month — or, you can use it to define other “spot-on” moments, like when you’re walking around New York City and AC water drips on your head. Good soup. For some reason, the trend is also reminding people of their quirky childhood habits, like when they’d microwave ice cream to create a milkshake or suck the water out of their toothbrush. Come on, I know at least one of you reading this is guilty.
The trend feels bizarre yet strangely satisfying, and at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if the phrase “good soup” ends up cementing itself in my vocabulary. Similar to the “Good Point, Diane” TikTok trend, #GoodSoup makes use of a quippy soundbite, humor, and a relatable feeling, which I’d argue is the recipe for any quality TikTok trend. So, whether you literally want to express your appreciation for soup or tap into a funny moment, try #GoodSoup and savor every slurp.