London has been beaming with contagious pride and spirit since the kickoff of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Outstanding athletes from across the world have all gathered to compete in events that they simply love. It only seems fitting that tonight Her Campus gathers, via the web, and dedicates our Tuesday night chat to these games.
From 9-10pm EST tonight we welcome you to tune into twitter for our #HerQuestions Twitter Chat. For this chat we would love for you to ask us anything Olympic“y”! We want to talk about the cute athletes, the intense competition, all of our favorite events, the hottest Olympic fashion, or even the beauty that’s been spotted. All you have to do is tweet to @HerCampus and use the hashtag #HerQuestions with your question or comment! As always we welcome you to respond to any tweets you’d like to—your opinion is what we want to hear!
These passionate athletes have been spending their time doing what they love and just like them tonight we will do the same (chatting via twitter!). Last week we adored talking about interning with you guys and we can’t wait to see what you have to say this week about the Olympics.
If you have any ideas for another themed chat please sound off in the comments below!
As always we just can’t wait to m(tw)eet you later! #HCXO