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Here’s How To Check Your Voter Registration Status Before Election Day

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By now, you (hopefully!) understand the importance of registering to vote. Ensuring you are signed up to participate in our country’s electoral process is a civic duty that shouldn’t be taken lightly, so if you’ve already registered, kudos to you. (And, bestie, if you haven’t already, please stop what you’re doing and register to vote right now!) But even once you’re registered — whether you just did it or went through the process years ago — your work isn’t actually done: You should check your voter registration status in the leadup to Election Day, to make sure your registration is still active.

Following the news in late August 2024 that Texas removed 1 million people from its voter rolls — citing “routine maintenance” to get rid of people who died or moved — it’s natural that many are rushing to make sure they are, indeed, still registered. Even if you’re not living in Texas, though, it’s still a great idea to double-check your registration status in the months leading up to the election, just so there are no surprises when you go to cast your ballot on Election Day.

But like… how do you actually check your voter registration? Luckily, it’s super simple. There are tons of websites that allow you to quickly and easily check your status just by entering a bit of info about yourself. Here are a few of the best-known and trusted methods.

1. Her Campus & DoSomething.org

Her Campus has teamed up with DoSomething.org to quickly show you your voter registration status — and, if you haven’t registered yet, you can easily do so (or preregister, if you’re still under 18), all in the same place!

2. National Voter Registration Day

The website for National Voter Registration Day, the nonpartisan civic holiday dedicated to celebrating U.S. democracy, also has a handy tool for checking your status. (And no, you don’t have to wait until this year’s holiday, Sept. 17, to check!

3. Vote.org

The largest nonprofit, nonpartisan voting registration tech platform in the U.S., Vote.org is a super reputable org that helps you check your status. Simply go to the website, click on your state, and enter your info.

4. The National Association of Secretaries of State Website

The oldest nonpartisan professional organization for public officials in the country, the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) has an easy drop-down menu where you select the state you believe to be registered in, then enter a bit of info about yourself to see your status.

5. Your state’s governmental website

Every state has a website (look for “.gov” in the URL) where you can check your status directly. Yes, it’s really that easy.

Lexi Williams is the Senior Editor at Her Campus, where she spearheads the site's Life and News coverage — including academics, national news, digital news, and viral news. She also oversees our Gen Leaders and Dream Jobs franchises, and works with the national writer team, interns, and freelance writers. Dedicating her career to helping college students, teens, and twentysomethings live their best lives, Lexi became obsessed with all things Gen Z through her previously held editorial positions at Elite Daily and Dorm Therapy. Before that, she dabbled in the food and wine space at Wine Spectator magazine, where she learned to balance her Champagne taste with her Two-Buck-Chuck budget. Lexi's bylines have also appeared in Cosmopolitan, InStyle, Bustle, StyleCaster, and Betches, among others. She graduated magna cum laude with her bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Miami in 2016. Originally from Florida, Lexi currently lives with her husband in Brooklyn, New York, where she spends her days scouting the best pizza spots, working on her debut novel, perpetually redecorating her apartment, and taking too many photos of her yappy little rescue dog, Benji. For pitches, contact Lexi at lexiwilliams@hercampus.com. For a healthy dose of Millennial cringe, follow her on Instagram at @lexi___williams.