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Chappell Roan Fans: Here’s The Truth About The Pink Pony Club

If you haven’t noticed, Chappell Roan is taking the 2024 music festival scene by storm. From her breathtaking performance at Coachella to her pointed message at the Gov Ball in New York, the Missouri-born, campy synth-pop icon has been the moment these past few months, with no signs of slowing down. 

At her sets, listeners have raved over her songs, which mostly come from her first studio album, The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess, released in September 2023. Songs like Red Wine Supernova” and “My Kink is Karma” are being sung word for word at these festivals, but there’s one song in particular that has the crowd going super hard: “Pink Pony Club.” The song — which is featured on Roan’s debut album but was actually released over four years ago — is iconic for so many reasons, but it’s also sparked a bit of mystery, with some (myself included) wondering: Is the Pink Pony Club a real place?

“Pink Pony Club” is a vibrant and nostalgic anthem that whisks listeners to a world of self-discovery, acceptance, and freedom. It’s the story of a young girl who breaks free from the confines of her conservative hometown and dives headfirst into the vibrant, liberating nightlife of West Hollywood. She finds herself on stage at the Pink Pony Club, a place where she can unapologetically be herself. With lyrics like, ” heard that there’s a special place where boys and girls can all be queens every single day,” Roan captures the essence of seeking and embracing one’s true self, even if it means stepping out of one’s comfort zone.

In an interview with Headliner magazine, Roan revealed the Pink Pony Club isn’t exactly a specific place. However, it was heavily inspired by her first encounter with the Abbey, a gay bar in West Hollywood. After she had visited the WeHo bar, it took Roan only a week to produce the song in its entirety. 

“Everyone was having a great time; it was magical,” Roan told the outlet about her time there. “I just felt like I belonged there, and that really changed my life. It’s something that I couldn’t really have experienced here in Missouri — in my small town at least. It was completely eye-opening and changed my direction from that point on.”

To me, this song is a message that everyone should have the chance to seek their version of the Pink Pony Club, to put yourself first and protect your peace by finding a space where you feel welcomed with open arms, regardless of what other people think. In the meantime, this song can serve as a (very real) safe haven for you. 

Starr Washington is a member of the Her Campus National Writer Program, contributing to the lifestyle vertical. She also serves as the President of the Her Campus Chapter at her university. Currently a senior at San Francisco State University, Starr is pursuing a degree in Broadcast Electronic Communication Arts (BECA) with a minor in Africana Studies. Following her undergraduate studies, she plans to pursue an MFA in creative writing. Starr is dedicated to showcasing her blackness in her professional work and is always rooting for black creatives, particularly in film, literature, and travel. In addition to her writing, Starr works at her university’s multicultural center, where she organizes annual events for both the campus and the Bay Area community. She was a speaker at the San Francisco State University Black Studies Origins and Legacy Commemoration, where she had the honor of sitting alongside the founders of the country's first Black Student Union. Starr teaches a course she developed called “Intro to Black Love” within SFSU’s experimental college program. In her rare free time, Starr enjoys chipping away at her TBR list (she finishes one book, then adds three more to the list), writing poetry and fiction, and spending time with her music enthusiast partner and their three-year-old German Shepherd. She is a Scorpio from Michigan.