In a recent interview with Refinery29, Julianne Moore discussed her latest project, Women of Worth, which aims to award 10 outstanding women who run charities with $10,000 to further their causes. Moore explained that she truly believes that she has been blessed in many ways, and feels that she has a responsibility not just as a successful actress but as a woman to help out others of her gender. As she put it, “we are all interdependent.”
If that wasn’t marvelous enough, she also boldly stated that while sexism is a prominent issue in show business, it isn’t solely relegated to her profession. Moore explained instead that the unfair bias was “more of a global issue,” and should be examined through a worldly lens.
She also gave some fantastic advice for women starting out in the business (which can be applied to any profession), suggesting that they “be persistent—and be prepared,” and not to “dismiss anything,” as “all experience is valuable.”
And interestingly enough: don’t be afraid to give out your age (something Moore says is “moot” at any rate, thanks to the internet).
What can we say except that Moore is phenomenal no matter what she does, be it acting, writing, or advocating for our rights—as if we needed another reason to love her!