Demi Lovato is an outspoken advocate for body positivity and a role model for teens struggling with body image. However, Lovato admits that when she was younger, it was hard for her to be confident because she didn’t have anyone with her body type to look up to in the media. That is, until the Kardashians came along.
On The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Demi spoke about her Vanity Fair shoot, which she did with “no clothes, no makeup, no Photoshop.” When asked how she mustered up the confidence to embrace her body and natural beauty, she credited the Kardashians.
The way lacking representation of different body types in the media led to Demi’s insecurity and the way she found inspiration from the Kardashians to be confident in her body exemplifies the drastic effect media has on impressionable youth. Ellen chimed in with this great point: “The message we should be sending young girls and young boys is be healthy. It doesn’t matter, really, what your weight is. Just be healthy.” Agreed!