Hey everybody!
One test down, three to go! Hip hip, hoorah!
You know the saying “Old habits die hard”? It is so annoyingly true. In my journey, I find myself developing really good and healthy habits but still finding it tough to get rid of the bad habits. Sometimes I find myself being able to eat a dessert and I think “Eh, I don’t need that right now and I don’t really want it.” Yet I still sometimes make myself eat it because that is my old habit, eating something sweet, regardless if I am hungry for it or not. It is a tough and frustrating process that I am trying to conquer, but it is going to take awhile because bad eating habits have been with me for awhile.
A good habit that I have developed is a new love for vegetables. In high school, when I packed a lunch, it would be a sandwich, a fruit and some crunchy carb or string cheese. I was severely lacking in the vegetable department. This year, and especially with this diet, vegetables are a big part of my life. I feel like a meal is incomplete if I do not have veggies. I now make sure to always have a vegetable with lunch and dinner.
My go to vegetables are:
-green beans
-sweet potatoes
-bell pepper
I seriously LOVE bell pepper. I eat whole bell peppers with my meal. YUM YUM! I can honestly attest to the fact that if you find a few easy veggies that you love and eat them at every meal, it will become so natural to eat them, you won’t think twice. I love these vegetables now. Another healthy habit I have is drinking lots and lots of water. Water is such a key factor in being healthy and losing weight.
Okay quick and healthy post tonight! Back to studying!
xx Jessica
What are some bad habits you would like to get rid of? What are some healthy habits that you are proud of?