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Lose the Freshman 15: SPRING BREAK!

Hey Collegiettes!

It is official! I am DONE with finals and Winter Quarter as we know it! Woop Woop! I am now writing this entry from the comfort of my bed at home, surrounded by my 3 cats. Yup, life is good! Being at home comes with its comforts and its challenges. I am currently experiencing one of each at this moment. I am able to do two HUGE loads of laundry…FOR FREE! Yes!!! However, unlike my apartment at school, I do not live in a run-friendly neighborhood- I live out on country roads where people like to go 60 mph on a narrow road, so no running on that for me! I do miss being able to walk right out of my apartment and go for a LONG run WHEREVER I want to. I do not have a membership to my local gym anymore and the one running trail my town has, besides the beach, is about a 20 min drive away and I know, judging by the fact that I am not even out of bed and my clothes are still drying, by the time everything is ready, I will have lost the motivation to run. Plus, I am on a deadline as I am meeting a friend soon.

I have decided to take advantage of my mom’s ample work out DVD collection and waddya know? She has Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred! I have just found my work out for the day.

On days where I do not have to be anywhere soon, and have clean clothes, I will definitely make my way to the running path because as soon as I get back to school from Spring Break, I officially start my training for my first 10k! So excited for that. Running a 10k will be such a big accomplishment for me!

I know throughout this week I will be faced with a lot of temptation and challenges such as social gatherings, eating out with my family and/or friends and having a fully stocked kitchen. I am equipped with great knowledge and tools and I am ready to take this week head on strong! I am basically viewing break as one loooong weekend because I won’t have class structure. So for me, I am changing my Weekend Warriors club into Week Warriors club for the coming week.

I also noticed that there is a new challenge on SELF– the DROP 10 challenge! If you didn’t sign up for the Jump Start, or even if you did, why not keep up the great work and sign up for this one as well! 

Ok, enough sitting around. I am off the shred and have a fabulous break!

xx Jessica

Jessica is currently studying Graphic Design and Psychology at UC Davis. She hopes to one day move to New York and work for a fashion or fitness magazine. When she is not dreaming about her life in New York, she is either running, watching shows on hulu, socializing or baking cupcakes. She loves anything that will make her laugh, sunny days  and everything purple!