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Losing the Freshman 15: Can you count it as weight loss when it’s just your hair?


Well hi collegiettes™! Guess what I did yesterday. Oh, nothing big… just CUT OFF ALL MY HAIR!


I have been wanting to go pixie for months and months now, but I’ve been terrified to make the leap. I didn’t have long hair to begin with, but still, it’s hard to imagine sitting down in the hairdresser’s chair and saying “cut it all off.” I decided that I would wait until I hit my weight loss goal and then do it, as a celebration and a final challenge. But you know? It’s been months of trying to lose the last few pounds, and I got sick of waiting. Why should I not celebrate right now?


So I printed out about a billion pictures of Carey Mulligan, made the appointment, and went—without telling anyone (didn’t want accountability in case of last-minute chickening out). And I love it! Like LOVE it. I feel so cool, and what’s more I am impressed with myself for having the confidence to do it.

This week was another week of very minimal weight change, but I know that the more I incorporate the Jump Start diet into my life the faster the last stubborn pounds will come off. Right now though, I’m just enjoying the way I look. And enjoying the fact that when I do my yoga toners later tonight, I won’t even have to tie my hair back in a ponytail!

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