Year: 2013
School: CC
Major: Creative Writing
Describe your relationship with running.
I’ve always been pretty active. Before I started running, I swam competitively for years. I joined the cross country team my sophomore year of high school because I was a new student and looking to get involved. By the time I was a senior, I was captain. Now I just do it for fun and for health. My dad is an avid runner, and we run together all the time in my home city, Washington, DC. My roommate runs also, and we’re really supportive of each other.
What is your running routine lately?
When I’m not training for a race, I usually run 4 times a week, no less than 4 miles each time. When I was training for a half marathon, I ran 6 times a week, with 8-10 mile long runs on Sundays. I always wear a watch and keep track of my pace and how long it takes me to go a certain distance.
Why do you run?
I run because it makes me feel good. It helps me stay balanced and puts things in perspective.
Where do you run in NYC?
Central Park and Riverside Park
What are the major challenges to running in NYC?
So many people, everywhere, all the time.
Do you run with a group? If so, whom?
I very briefly joined the CU Roadrunners Club, but I found I had trouble committing to their scheduled runs and races. I like to run by myself, on my own time. The club seems great though, and it’s full of a lot of great runners.
Which races have you done in the past year?
I have to admit, I’m new to road races. I did my first half marathon 3 weeks ago – it was the Yonkers Half. I came in third in my age group, behind two girls from West Point, which was pretty cool. I also did a 10k last Thanksgiving in Maryland.
Do you plan on running a full marathon? If so, which one and why?
Hometown: Chevy Chase, MD
Relationship Status: Single
On-Campus Activities: Staff writer for the Columbia Daily Spectator, Kappa Alpha Theta sorority
Off-campus activities: Intern at W Magazine
Favorite class you’ve taken at Columbia and why: Any English course taught by Edward Mendelson. I’ve taken 3.
Pet-Peeves: People who walk on treadmills. Can’t you do that somewhere else?
Dream Job: Either a war correspondent or an ambassador to France. Go big or go home.
If you were stuck on a deserted island, you would need: My friends. Maybe Scrabble.
Every girl needs these three things in her closet: A well-fitting pair of jeans, Lululemon leggings, and a little black dress
Your perfect date in 7 words or less: Doesn’t matter if it’s the right person
Favorite off-campus location: the Cloisters
Favorite thing about NYC: You can make it feel as big or small as you want.
Spirit Animal: Probably some kind of rodent?
Dream husband: Coach Taylor from Friday Night Lights
One thing you want to do before graduating: Oh, you mean besides the marathon?
Top three albums/songs of all time: I don’t like to pick favorites, but recently I’ve been listening to a lot of Dawes and The Head and the Heart. My friends would also probably want me to mention that “Crystal Baller” by Third Eye Blind is my most played song on iTunes.
If you could have a super power what would it be and why: Invisibility. I like to eavesdrop.
If you could invite anyone to dinner, you would ask: Ernest Hemingway
HamDel decides to name a sandwich after you (what’s it called and what’s in it): I’ve never actually been to Hamdel, so maybe it’d be called the Rookie. It’d also be boring, like a wrap with turkey, tomato, sprouts and dijon mustard.
Photo by Michael Discenza