The classic, yet controversial, Barbie doll has recently gotten a makeover to become “Average Barbie.” This design was based on more realistic views for women, and the demand for the doll (not created nor distributed by Mattel) has been high.
The designer of the project, Nickolay Lamm, raised $95,000 through crowd funding in order to share his idea with people who demanded a more realistic Barbie. For years, it has been noted that if a real person had Barbie’s proportions, she’d have to walk on all fours and only have half a liver.
The dolls, which will be sold under the name Lammily, differ in many ways from the traditional Barbies. Celebrating “average is beautiful” the doll will feature the proportions of an average 19 year old girl, have brown hair, minimal makeup, the ability to move her wrists, elbows, knees and feet, as well as wear more sensible clothing and accessories.
We love this idea! Donate here to eventually see Average Barbie near you!