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Gain Some New Perspective By Reading These 5 Books By BIPOC Women

Women’s History Month is here, and what better way to commemorate the power of women than by celebrating their voices? The BIPOC community stands for “Black, Indigenous, and people of color, ” a fairly recent term that promotes more inclusivity for the people within this community. It enables a shift away from terms like “marginalized” or “minority”, which lack a sense of humanity and carry out a sense of “lesser than.” 

BIPOC women have incredible stories to tell, and you can start acknowledging, and perhaps even relating to, their experience and identity by reading their stories. The uphill battles of BIPOC women are undeniable and real, and it’s time to raise awareness of their struggles. So, in the spirit of Women’s History Month, here are 5 non-fiction books by BIPOC women that smash the system with incredible storytelling.

Girl, Gurl, Grrrl: On Womanhood and Belonging in the Age of Black Girl Magic By Kenya Hunt

Kenya Hunt’s novel is an enriching piece of celebration of Black women being visible and publicly celebrated now more than ever. But also, it contrasts this development with the reality of everyday life, as it remains a complex and contradiction-laden experience. 

Amazon, $16

Colonize This!: Young Women of Colors on Today’s Feminism Edited By Daisy Hernandez & Bushra Rehman

It has been decades since women of color first turned feminism upside down, revolutionizing the 1970’s feminist movement as exclusively white and bringing awareness of the concerns of women of color. In their work, Daisy Hernandez and Bushra Rehman have collected a diverse group of emerging writers who speak of their experiences that address issues that affect feminism today. 

Amazon, $14

Colored No More: Reinventing Black Womanhood in Washington, D.C. By Treva B. Lindsey

Home to established African American institutions and communities, Washington, D.C. offered women in the 1920’s New Negro Movement a unique setting for the fight against racial and gender oppression. This fantastic non-fiction book by Treva B. Lindsey traces back to the history of African American women of the late-19th, and early-20th centuries, and the movements that have made significant progress toward making Washington, D.C. a place for equality and change. 

Amazon, $26

I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness By Austin Channing Brown 

Channing’s work is a coming-of-age tale in the shadows of racism and white supremacy. She grasps and dissects issues of prejudice and the effects of this social dilemma on an individual’s sense of self-worth. It’s a testimony of Black womanhood, activism, and resistance. It’s the words of a writer that encourages the world to celebrate Blackness.

Amazon, $14

The Source of Self-Regard By Toni Morrison 

Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison, reveals a series of reflections and remembrances of the American psyche. She talks about the cruciality of both the resistance and the progress of politics in a myriad of social dilemmas. Described every turning of a page as a “catalyst for revolution.”

Amazon, $21

Claudia S. Colon Rosa is the Chapter Leader and Editor-in-Chief at the Her Campus at UPR chapter. In addition to overseeing all chapter affairs, she manages the magazine’s editorial and contributes to it as a fellow writer, mainly crafting articles under wellness, life, and entertainment. Beyond Her Campus, Claudia has worked as assistant editor for the English department’s academic journal, Sargasso, where she managed the journal’s printing press and distribution. She has also written for Rebeldia and Tonguas magazine and was part of the Her Campus National Writer program where she published an array of articles. She is a graduate srtudent at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, majoring in English Literature. When she’s not writing an essay, Claudia loves to watch anime, read and exercise to dance parties on YouTube.