This week, the Supreme Court opened it’s review of the constitutionality of President Obama’s health care reform law, known by the general public as “Obamacare”. Even if you don’t follow politics, this review is something that you should pay attention to, because it could affect the health care that you’re able to receive.
Twenty-six states feel that the federal government went too far when they required most Americans to buy health insurance, so the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are now officially under review.
If this law is ruled unconstitutional, provisions could be overturned. One such provision of this law allows dependents to remain on their parents’ insurance policies until the age of 26.
If you’re headed to graduate school after college, you may not be able to afford your own health insurance and will need to remain on your parents’ policies. Many college graduates are also taking lower-skills jobs, given the difficult economy, and are not provided with health insurance as a part of their salaries. Without this provision, many young Americans may choose to go without health care.
Iowa, as well as some of the other states who are against many of the provisions in Obama’s health care program, argue that allowing individuals to remain on their parents’ plans until the age of 26 will increase costs for health care, prolong uncertainty and hinder economic growth, according to an article by the DesMoines Register.