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Joe Biden, Donald Trump
Joe Biden, Donald Trump via YouTube
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Not Into Biden Or Trump? Here’s Why You Should Vote Anyway

Though it may seem early, the 2024 election season is undeniably in full swing. Despite many wishing this wasn’t the case, this year’s election is looking more and more like it will be a contentious rematch between president Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump. 

The two already faced off in the first 2024 presidential debate on June 27 — and unfortunately, the outcome of that debate is one of many factors that has rendered many Gen Z voters unenthusiastic about their options for voting in this election.

With Biden and Trump being the same two candidates that the race came down to in 2020, many are facing burnout when it comes to their political involvement. Additionally, since both BIden and Trump are now four years older and seemingly even less interested in the topics many young voters care most about compared to their 2020 runs, neither candidate has garnered a lot of Gen Z support; in fact, overall, Gen Z’s interest in this year’s election is reportedly very low. 

But let’s be real here: Not liking either presidential frontrunner is not a good reason to abstain from voting. According to a 2024 Her Campus survey of 340 Gen Zers, 73% of respondents saying they’re dissatisfied with U.S. politics — and yet, 87% of them still plan to vote in the election. That’s because, although participating in this year’s election may feel unappealing, voting remains of the utmost importance. 

If you need a reminder of why you should make a plan to vote — or you want some talking points to help you urge your friends and peers to get to the polls — here are some reasons to vote in the 2024 election, even if you dislike your options.

1. The next president will have a heavy influence on SCOTUS.

According to Biden, the next U.S. president is likely to end up filling up to three seats on the Supreme Court. 

SCOTUS has been a major point of contention in politics over the past four years, and its significance only increases with decisions such as the reversal of Roe v. Wade and the ruling that offers unprecedented levels of presidential immunity.

U.S. presidents are likely to appoint justices to the Supreme Court whose views align with their own. So, whether you like your presidential options or not, you have to ask yourself: Who is more likely to fill those SCOTUS seats with judges whose views align with your own?

2. You’re voting for an entire administration, not just one person.

Although many Gen Zers have expressed dismay regarding the individual presidential candidates they will likely have to choose between, it’s essential to remember that with each president comes an entire administration and agenda.

There’s been a lot of talk about the potential policies each candidate might enact in the next four years, such as discussions of the proposed right-wing Project 2025 as well as promises Biden has made for his potential second term. Look into both options and see which administrations and agendas make more sense to you. (Here are Trump and Biden’s proposed gameplans, for reference.)

3. Some of the issues most important to Gen Z are at stake.

This coming election is monumental for Gen Z, as many of the issues that are important to this generation are on the line. Topics like abortion access and reproductive care, gun control, the environment, and LGBTQ+ rights are all at stake. All of these issues have proven to be some of the most important and motivating factors for Gen Z voters. In fact, in a May 2024 survey conducted by Her Campus, 59% of Gen Zers listed abortion rights as their top concern, with gun control coming in a close second. 

If you have opinions about any of these topics, you can use this election as an opportunity to express them.

4. Your lack of a vote benefits the candidate you like the least.

Unfortunately, one fewer vote for one candidate is a good thing for the other. So, if there’s a particular candidate whose beliefs align with yours and whose proposed policies you agree with more than the other, great! Vote for them. On the other hand, if you don’t align with either candidate, but there’s one candidate whose policies you disagree with more, that’s another reason to follow your gut and vote against them, even if the candidate you have to vote for still isn’t your fave. 

The 2024 presidential race is expected to be close — your vote matters. 

5. Your vote impacts more than just you.

When it comes down to it, voting gives you a say in what happens in your government. If you don’t feel particularly passionate about any of the issues at stake, think about the people you care about who might be affected more directly by those decisions: What would a change in policy mean for them?

Overall, your vote means something to someone, even if that someone isn’t you.

Cate Scott

Syracuse '26

Cate Scott is a third-year Syracuse University student pursuing a dual degree in journalism and creative writing. Actively contributing to multiple campus publications and constantly learning about the journalism field in her courses, she is dedicated to expanding her writing skills across various disciplines and formats. She is currently based in Greater Boston and is interested in exploring magazine writing, politics, investigative work, and culture. Cate has been reading and writing poetry and personal essays for years. She hopes to pursue creative writing as well as her journalistic passions in her future career. Beyond her academic pursuits, Cate is a runner and seasoned music nerd. She is on her school's club sailing team and is a proud and active sorority member. The highlights of her weeks include hosting her college radio show, exploring Syracuse, finding time to play her guitar, and doing it all with her roommates and best friends. A native New Englander, Cate spends her summers taking the train into Boston and hiking with her German Shepherd, Maggie.