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‘Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants’ is Getting the Musical Treatment & We’re Not Prepared For This

We never thought we could be more obsessed with The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. From the magical friendship-amplifying bond that those shareable pants alone created, Tibby, Lena, Carmen and Briget’s friendship was goals to say the least. Now, we can hit pause on our typically slated 2005-nostalgia-induced movie watching schedule, seeing as Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants is being transformed into a musical.

First of all, are tickets on sale? When can we buy them? And, please tell us that the musical is coming to our town. (Who are we kidding? We don’t care if the musical is coming to our town because seeing The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants in all of its musical glory is a justifiable excuse to go on a ~necessary~ vacay.) Like us, you obviously have questions. And, we have some of the answers (we might be pop culture news-scouring specialists, but we can’t predict the future—at least, not yet).

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Blue Spruce Productions is taking the musical adaption of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by the belt. Scott Delman, who has multiple Tony Awards btw, is leading the musical venture.

While the original The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie (and the sequel) followed Ann Brashares’ synonymously titled novels, the musical version likely won’t follow the Young Adult classic. Deadline notes that Alcon Entertainment and Alloy Entertainment are also spearheading the musical production, in conjunction with Blue Spruce Productions, and these two entertainment conglomerates co-produced the denim-themed movies. Because technicalities matter, the entertainment productions are basically revitalizing the films into the musical production (even though the films already follow Brashares’ books).

Regardless, this new musical endeavor could be hyping up the rumored third installment in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants cinematic franchise. (Or at least we hope so.)

The musical production doesn’t have a release date, at least not yet, BuzzFeed reports. Until the official release date, we’ll probably definitely be refreshing our 21+ strong tabs. After all, we don’t want to miss any melodies about this upcoming must-see musical.

Chelsea is the Health Editor and How She Got There Editor for Her Campus. In addition to editing articles about mental health, women's health and physical health, Chelsea contributes to Her Campus as a Feature Writer, Beauty Writer, Entertainment Writer and News Writer. Some of her unofficial, albeit self-imposed, responsibilities include arguing about the Oxford comma, fangirling about other writers' articles, and pitching Her Campus's editors shamelessly nerdy content (at ambiguously late/early hours, nonetheless). When she isn't writing for Her Campus, she is probably drawing insects, painting with wine or sobbing through "Crimson Peak." Please email any hate, praise, tips, or inquiries to cjackscreate@gmail.com