The weather in Boulder lately has been both a blessing AND a curse. On the one hand, the first signs of spring are beginning to show: brighter walks to campus in the morning, longer evenings, rooftop parties. Any way you cut it, spring has almost sprung. But unfortunately this warm and inviting weather makes sitting in class or studying at the library (yikes!) almost unbearable, and especially so at a time when class attendance and studying for midterms is absolutely necessary. With a little over 2 weeks left until the long-awaited- and well deserved- break arrives, it’s time to hit the books hard before hitting the beach even harder. Here’s an upbeat, party-rocking playlist to get you motivated to power through the rest of March, and on to whatever great vacation (or stay-cation) you have planned!
[Disclaimer: This playlist is a varied mix of many different genres. Random? Maybe. Rockin? Yes!]
1. Foxes: “Youth, Adventure Club Remix”
2. Carly Rae Jepsen: “Call Me Maybe”
3. The Knocks featuring Mandy Lee: “Midnight City (M83 Cover)”