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Steve Jobs, former CEO and co-founder of Apple, dies at 56

After a long battle with a rare form of pancreatic cancer, renowned Apple Co-Founder and former CEO Steve P. Jobs died today

In August, Jobs left his position as CEO of Apple, but his creative fingerprints are found on each and every Apple product. Apple was his brainchild, and with the help of friend Steve Wozniak he helped create the first Macintosh computer in 1984. The rest is technological history.

Jobs had surgery for pancreatic cancer in 2004 and got a liver transplant in 2009. He reluctantly stepped down from his position as CEO for Apple two months ago, citing his major health problems.

Steve Jobs was inspirational to tech-savvy consumers, Apple employees, college students and more. In a 2005 commencement speech to the graduating class of Stanford University, Jobs said many wise words about life, success and memorably, death. 

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life,” Jobs said as he addressed a large crowd. “Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.

And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Watch the full speech here

As an innovative inventor, business man and family man, Jobs will be remembered for his creativity and constant quest for self-improvement. The Apple website currently displays a full-sized black and white photo of Steve Jobs as its homepage.
Kayla Riley is a senior studying journalism and English at the University of Maine. When she's not rushing around campus in fabulous shoes or making deadline, she can be found devouring the latest Jodi Picoult novel or being quippy with friends. She recently spent a semester at the American University in Bulgaria, studying and experiencing Eastern Europe's diverse culture all while learning how to ask for a pair of shoes in her size. She plans to publish her first novel before age 30 and travel the world even sooner. She is pursuing a career in journalism in the Boston area. Follow her on Twitter @KaylaRiley!