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‘The Ultimatum’ Season 2 Cast’s Zodiac Signs Totally Check Out, IMHO

I’m a Netflix reality television fiend, and I am unashamed of it! Sue me! With every new episode of Too Hot To Handle or Love Is Blind released, you can find me sitting on my couch, cuddled up in a blanket, binge-watching for the entire night (it’s basically my 5-to-9 routine). But, even more than reality TV, I’m obsessed with zodiac signs. So, it only makes sense that I’ve been researching (and judging) The Ultimatum Season 2 cast zodiac signs.

If you’re unfamiliar, The Ultimatum is a reality show that features real couples (who have typically been together for years) that are at odds in their relationship: One person wants to get married right away, and the other isn’t quite ready yet. Instead of going to, like, couples counseling, The Ultimatum adds fuel to the fire — the couples start dating other people for a few weeks, then go back to their original partner and decide if they want to get married. It’s as glorious as it is messy. Trust.

Given the nature of the show, it’s no surprise that the cast is full of characters. Call me what you want, but I think a lot of the personality on the show boils down to the cast members’ zodiac signs. And if you’re all caught up on The Ultimatum Season 2, then I invite you to take a look at the cast’s zodiac signs and decide for yourself if the stars know what they’re talking about.

RIAH: Cancer

Riah originally entered the show with her partner of two years, Trey, who also issued the ultimatum. Upon entering the show, Riah appeared to be open-minded to the experiment, which totally checks out with her Cancer sun. Cancers are commonly described as emotional and caring — but they also have a tendency to be possessive. Cancers are also big believers in soulmates, which could explain Riah’s eagerness to try out the experiment, but they can also get into the habit of romanticizing prospective partnerships a bit too much. Will Riah venture out to find her forever? Or will she realize it’s in front of her? Only time will tell.

Trey: Aries

Aries men are a hotly debated topic amongst astro-fanatics: You either love ’em or hate ’em. In this case, Trey’s fiery and passionate energy works in his favor, as he appears to be a fan-favorite on the show. His charismatic energy definitely attracted Ryann, who entered the show with James. However, Aries men can also be spiteful and, oftentimes, hotheaded. While we haven’t seen this side of Trey, there are a few more episodes to go — and we all know that reality TV brings out the worst in people. Just be aware, y’all!

Ryann: Virgo

Ryann is textbook Virgo, IMHO. She’s hardworking, mature, and knows what she wants… sometimes to a detriment. Virgos can oftentimes come across as pushy and hypercritical if agitated in any way, which could definitely point to her decision to deliver the ultimatum to James.

James: Sagittarius

The fire sign energy is strong this season. James is a Sagittarius — a sign known for their fun and spontaneous personality. However, they can also be a bit immature and restless, which can explain his tumultuous time on the show. Here’s to hoping that James can make up his mind about his romantic future!

Kat: Scorpio

Kat is a Scorpio — which definitely explains a lot. While many people think Scorpios are closed off, they can actually be quite empathetic and kind, almost to a fault. If crossed, however, Scorpios can be quite calculated and punishing: definitely a side you don’t want to see with this water sign.

Antonio: ?

Unfortunately, there is no information on Antonio’s birth date. I’ll be sure to update if anything changes, or if we find anything new!

Lisa: Gemini

While Lisa and her partner Brian left the show early, I’m here to say that their zodiac signs definitely explain their Episode 2 exit. Lisa is a Gemini, and that combative energy was on full display during her heated argument with Brian. Yikes.

Brian: Sagittarius

Finally, Brian is another fire season that was featured in this season. As a Sagittarius, Brian definitely knows how to push buttons, and won’t shy away from a confrontation. Honestly? Makes me wonder what would’ve happened if he had stayed around.

julianna (she/her) is an associate editor at her campus where she oversees the wellness vertical and all things sex and relationships, wellness, mental health, astrology, and gen-z. during her undergraduate career at chapman university, julianna's work appeared in as if magazine and taylor magazine. additionally, her work as a screenwriter has been recognized and awarded at film festivals worldwide. when she's not writing burning hot takes and spilling way too much about her personal life online, you can find julianna anywhere books, beers, and bands are.