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Marissa and Ramses in \'Love Is Blind\' Season 7
Marissa and Ramses in \'Love Is Blind\' Season 7
Photo By Netflix
Culture > Entertainment

Wait, Why Did Marissa & Ramses Break Up?

Season 7 of Love is Blind has been one for the books. The DC-centric season had seven engagements, 2 love triangles, and many dramatic scandals. One couple in particular, Marissa and Ramses, held a lot of promise in the beginning and had maybe one of the cutest face-to-face reveals of all time. Though they were one of the strongest couples as they returned to the “real world” in DC, they were constantly faced with hurdles and challenges. Spoiler Warning: Spoilers for Love Is Blind Season 7 follow.

When Ramses met Marissa’s mom in Episode 9, she was anything but supportive, to put it kindly. Marissa’s mom insisted the two sign a prenup and also said she wasn’t a fan of Ramses’ appearance, which was brutal, to say the least. 

Another hurdle Marissa and Ramses encountered was her previous involvement in the military. Ramses had reservations about the military and even told Marissa’s friends that he would divorce her if she decided to serve again.

But their most infamous conversation of this season happened in Episode 9 when they talked about birth control. During the convo, Ramses expressed how he doesn’t want kids in the immediate future. Meanwhile, Marissa expressed that she would feel most comfortable if he used condoms, especially since she didn’t feel comfortable going back on birth control. Ramses, however, was definitive in his stance that sex with condoms just isn’t as enjoyable, so he wasn’t willing to make that sacrifice. The two didn’t reach an agreement or find a compromise by the end of this conversation, leaving more cracks in their initially-perfect relationship.

In Episode 10, the topic arose again when Marissa shared that she wasn’t feeling well and Ramses expressed his concerns for the physical aspect of their relationship, scared that it wouldn’t be as good as it was in Mexico. Ramses ultimately shared that he didn’t want their physical intimacy to look the way it looked that day. Marissa was visibly frustrated that Ramses didn’t understand that there would be days where she is, honestly, just not in the mood, especially if she’s both tired and sick.

By this point in their relationship, it seemed as though Ramses had checked out and no longer thought that he and Marissa could handle the commitment a marriage requires. In Episode 11, Ramses shared that, in the past, he always followed his heart and chased feelings, which had led him astray. He ultimately decided that it would be best if they didn’t move forward with their wedding, breaking Marissa’s heart in the process. 

LIB\'s Ramses and Marissa
Photo By Netflix

Marissa couldn’t stop the tears as she said that all she wanted was for someone to choose her. They ended their relationship with a tearful, long hug that, TBH, had me tearing up because for a while, who wasn’t rooting for them to make it down the aisle?

Amanda Brown is a current national writer for Her Campus, focusing largely on the Entertainment & Culture vertical. She was formerly the Summer 2024 Entertainment & Culture intern, writing about all things pop culture! Beyond Her Campus, Amanda is a sophomore Writing and Rhetoric major with an Honors Interdisciplinary Studies minor at James Madison University. Amanda is the Founder/President/Editorial Director of JMU's Spoon University chapter and the Junior Social Media Manager of JMU's Her Campus chapter. She is also a member of Gamma Phi Beta. In her free time, Amanda loves binge-watching reality TV (especially while drinking iced lattes) and going on long walks (ideally using it as a yap session or listening to music). Amanda loves reading romance novels while listening to Taylor Swift and Gracie Abrams.