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You Can Finally Represent Your Interracial Relationship in Emojis With This New App

The next step in the Emoji revolution is upon us! Thanks to the new Love-Moji app, an extension for your iPhone’s keyboard that was inspired by Richard and Mildred Loving (an interracial couple who fought for interracial marriage legalization in the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court Case Loving v. Virginia, and whose story is chronicled in the upcoming movie Loving), those of us on team iPhone now have access to straight and LGBTQ couples with a range of ethnicities kissing, holding hands or hanging out under hearts, the Huffington Post reports.

This is awesome, because in regular emoji-land you can’t even change the skin tone of couple emojis—let alone change one person’s skin to one color and the other person’s skin to a different color.

It’s been quite a ride getting our emojis to be as inclusive as they are today. It’s only been within the last year that Apple’s standard emojis granted us the ability to change some characters’ skin colors, and only the most recent iOS update to 10 that brought us pride flags and career-based emojis available as women, too, according to Teen Vogue. Apple still has a way to go to fully expand their emoji set to include all of us, but Love-Moji offers the perfect fix until that happens. 

Love-Moji also follows the August release of EmojiMom, a keyboard extension that includes more than 250 emojis for better discussing pregnancies and motherhood, Cosmopolitan reports.

You can get Love-Moji for free on the App Store or at VoteLoving.com.

Sammi is the Lifestyle Editor at HerCampus.com, assisting with content strategy across sections. She's been a member of Her Campus since her Social Media Manager and Senior Editor days at Her Campus at Siena, where she graduated with a degree in Biology of all things. She moonlights as an EMT, and in her free time, she can be found playing post-apocalyptic video games, organizing her unreasonably large lipstick collection, learning "All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault)" on her guitar, or planning her next trip to Broadway.