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Culture > Entertainment

The 13 Best Things About Having a Dog

A dog is a collegiette’s best friend! Here are just a few reasons why we always miss our furry friends while we’re away at school.

1. Dogs are always happy to see you when you come home

2. They make great listeners…

3. …and they’ll never judge you—their love is unconditional

4. Dogs don’t need you to constantly entertain them

5. They force you to be active…

6. …but they’re also always down to cuddle

7. Dogs will put up with your annoying habits

8. When you have a dog, you’ll never eat alone again

9. They teach you responsibility…

10. …and they know how to bring out the best in you

11. Dogs can feel your pain

12. A dog’s loyalty never expires…

13. …and no matter what, your dog will always be willing to give you a kiss

Corinne Sullivan is an editorial intern at Her Campus. She is in her senior year at Boston College, majoring in English with a Creative Writing Concentration. On campus, she cheers at football and basketball games as part of the Boston College Pom Squad and performs as a member of the Dance Organization of Boston College. She also teaches spin classes at the campus gym and contributes to the BC branch of Her Campus. Corinne loves the beach, all things chocolate, and is unashamed of her love for Young Adult Fiction. You can follow her on Twitter at @cesullivan14.