Kim Kardashian has amassed a global empire of fame and fortune, and she’s ready to set more goals for 2016. Gotta give Kim snaps for never quitting while ahead. She lists only six resolutions on her website for this upcoming year despite stating that she doesn’t really believe in the New Year tradition: “I think setting little goals every month is productive and long-term goals (like saving money or learning a new language) are important too. But I don’t need a new calendar year to do that.” With that little disclaimer, read on to hear about Kim’s resolutions.
The first one on her list is to shed her baby weight, after she gave birth earlier this year. She reveals her next resolutions are very family-oriented: finish remodeling the Kardashian-West home and plan a West family vacation.
Unsurprisingly, Kim is, as always, staying conscious of her followers and is already planning new treats for her fans. She continues, “I’d like to do some really cool photo shoots for my Web site. I want to do a couple more fun weekend trips with my Twitter followers that I haven’t met yet.” Count us in, Kim.
Last but not least, Kim threw in a pretty random but fun resolution. “Oh, I also want to learn how to do the splits LOL!” she wrote.
What are the other Kardashian sisters’ resolutions for 2016? They range from low-key to ambitious. Kourtney posted on her website/app that her top goals are to “continue on the workout mission that I started this year” as well as “allow myself to feel my emotions.” Kendall is taking herself a little less seriously, informing fans through her app that her resolution is to “chill out more.” Meanwhile, the youngest Kardashian, Kylie, is hoping to launch a full makeup line and expand upon her much-hyped Lip Kit. It’s a lot to handle in a year, but far from impossible given Kylie’s accomplishments to date.
Love them or hate them, the Kardashian ladies have done a lot in 2015 alone—so we have no doubt they’ll accomplish all their goals for the new year, and more!