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While a partial government shutdown isn’t something that should necessarily be celebrated, it is something that many people are choosing to laugh at. We already tracked down some of the best government shutdown related pick-up lines, but today we traveled to the far reaches of the mysterious “interwebs” to find the best government shutdown memes. (By the way, if you’re unsure if the government is still shut down or not, check out isthegovernmentshutdown.com.)

1. Despite everyone’s “best” efforts, the government still shut down Tuesday.

2. But hey, at least you can still sign up for affordable health insurance! 

3. Speaking of Obamacare…

4. Comedian Jim Gaffigan makes a good point…

5. Even poor NASA can’t catch a break.

6. Congress? Government? No, those are strange and unknown terms in this country.

7. Remember when our biggest problem was Bill Clinton’s sex scandal? Bill remembers.

8. Maybe Obama and Congress are just trying a simple solution.

9. The Australian government shut down one time. Then Queen Elizabeth II fired the entire parliament.

10. At least one person is happy about the shutdown.

11. Some of us are still wondering how this whole shutdown impacts the rest of us, though…

12. Maybe it’s just best to follow Simon Pegg’s plan from Shaun of the Dead.

What else is there to do? At this point, maybe the best thing to do is to laugh at our government. To quote a recent (and insanely popular) post on Tumblr:

“I love this whole ‘we’ll either defund Obamacare or shut down the government’ thing. It reminds me of when I was seven years old and I knew I couldn’t win at Monopoly, so I would just knock all the pieces off the board and then go pout in my room. A+.”

Dale Lavine is a 21-year-old college junior majoring in Media Studies & Political Science at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. Outside of Her Campus, his words have been featured in publications such as USA Today College, Esquire, Fearless Men, CoolAppsMan.com, and The Commonwealth Times. When not penning his weekly columns, he enjoys hot showers, naps, Starbucks, and Jameson (neat). Want to know more? Need real-time relationship help? Readers are more than welcome to follow Dale on Twitter (@misterlavine).