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15 Times Your Professors Tried Even Less Than You Do

Professors are people, too. Sometimes they’re tired. Sometimes they’re having a lazy day. And sometimes, well, they try even less than their students do. As students, nothing makes us feel so accomplished. 

1. When they don’t practice what they preach

2. When they make you think your papers have gotten lost somewhere in the space-time continuum

3. When they say they’re going to be prepared but just aren’t

4. When they give in to having class outside…and still think it is going to be productive

5. When they ignore your emails for several days and then answer you an hour before the test you had questions about

6. When they come to class on Monday morning like, “I don’t remember what we were talking about last time, and I definitely don’t have anything graded to hand back to you. Rough weekend.” 

7. When a professor you don’t even know walks into the classrom and starts talking to you, having no idea that this isn’t his class

8. When they are more excited than you are that school is canceled

9. When they lecture you on how you pay thousands of dollars to come to school…and then cancel class or end it early

10. When you ask them if they are going to hand back your graded tests/papers

11. When they actually have no idea what they’re talking about

12. When they get tired halfway through class and just assign the rest for homework

13. When they’re bored of the subject they spent their life studying so they go off on a complete tangent about something else

14. When they’re trying to do a problem from the book and can’t figure it out

15. When you ask a question and they don’t know the answer so they say they’ll get back to you…and they never do