Easter is this weekend, and we’re very excited to see what the Easter Bunny has in store. And while you’ve been getting ready to dye some eggs, planning an Easter egg hunt, or even just stocking up on chocolate bunnies, our pets have been preparing too. Dressed to impress, here are the most adorable animals pulling of the Easter Bunny outfit to celebrate the holiday.
We might want to reconsider if the Easter Bunny should actually be a bunny…this pug looks pretty festive to me!
One way to fight allergy season: strap on a puffy pink nose cover!
Look out for this double trouble dog duo! They give the real Easter Bunny a run for his money.
Strapping on his slippers for a stroll through the park, this guy takes the cake with a complete outfit!
This pup doesn’t look too amused by the basket full of eggs behind him. Was the Easter egg hunt too hard?
Cool, calm and collected, the pink ears perfectly compliment his luscious white locks.
Trying to get in the Easter spirit with something even better than a piñata…a hanging carrot! Looks like this guy just can’t get enough of it.
I like big ears and I cannot lie…especially on the face of a chubby pug protecting his Easter eggs.
You can teach old dog new tricks! Way to go Fido, you win the award for best carrot retrieval.
He knows he looks good, and he’s not afraid to show it.
The power of the bunny ears certainly worked out for this cat. Look at how many eggs he found!
And who said you couldn’t wear white after Labor Day?
This kitten is looking pretty in pink, and she makes it look so easy!
On the other hand…this one thinks that a pink jumpsuit might not have been the best idea after all. But check out that tail!
“I’ll tell you where the eggs are, but ONLY if you give me a treat!”
We don’t know about you, but we’ve seen happier looking Easter Bunny imposters.
Not only does he pull off looking good in pink ears, but the background really makes it feel like spring!
Someone should have told this cat that blue was so last season.
Is it a cat, or the Easter Bunny?? This feline win first place for most convincing costume.
Because who doesn’t love an adorable surprise hamster dressed with bunny ears?