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27 Signs You’re From Ohio

1. You were born with a deep, burning hate for all things Michigan.

2. You’re unfazed by bipolar weather, having often experienced all four seasons in one day.

3. Although, you know the four seasons of Ohio are alternatively referred to as almost winter, winter, still winter and construction.

4. You basically spend your summers at Cedar Point and look forward to HalloWeekends all year long.

5. You know the frustration of having to drive to another state to see your favorite band…

6. …especially when that state is Michigan.

7. You know that every outdoor event calls for a game of cornhole.

8. Chances are you’ve been to at least one county or state fair in your lifetime.

9. You’re morally obligated to respond to someone yelling “O-H” with “I-O.”

10. It’s practically the state greeting.

11. You know people who pronounce “wash” like “warsh…”

12. …but you also know that it’s only people from other states who have accents.

13. Your choices for entertainment can be summed up in three words: mall, movies and food.

14. You know that Buffalo Wild Wings is referred to as “B-Dubs.” Anything else is just wrong.

15. The same goes for pop. What even is “soda”?

16. You know that Bob Evans is the only place to go on a Saturday morning when you’re a little… under the weather.

17. If you live in Northwest Ohio, walking on an incline on the treadmill is the closest you’ve ever been to walking up a hill.

18. Grocery stores are referred to in possessive form.  Kroger is “Kroger’s” and Meijer is “Meijer’s.” Why? Even we don’t know.

19. You’ve been to Put-in-Bay, Kings Island and Kalahari.

20. Either you can see a cornfield from your house, you’re within walking distance of a cornfield or you have a cornfield literally in your backyard…

21. …and hitting deer while driving is an actual concern.

22. You get really excited when Glee references Ohio…

23. …and you live for Graeter’s ice cream.

24. You’ve seen the Ohio State/Michigan rivalry tear families apart.

25. When you saw that Ohioans use more profanity than any other state in the U.S., you were all like,

26. You’ve had more than your fair share of snow days and even “cold days.”

27. But as much as you sometimes love to hate Ohio, it will always be home.

Kelsey is a junior at The Ohio State University where she majors in Journalism. She serves as an Editorial Intern and Contributing Writer for Her Campus, and also writes for U lala. Her hobbies include loitering in cafés, watching '80s movies, and obsessing over British boys with perfect hair. After graduation, Kelsey hopes to work for a fashion magazine or lifestyle publication. You can follow Kelsey on Twitter (@kelseypomeroy) and Instagram (@kelseypomeroy).
Quinn Cohane is the Product Manager at Her Campus. She develops new features for Her Campus's web properties, including HerCampus.com, HerCampusMedia.com, HerConference.com, and CollegeFashionWeek.com, from initial conception to final installation. She collaborates with the Client Services team to implement custom landing pages, content hubs and sponsored content for client campaigns. Quinn also works closely with the Chapter Development team, training new team members on using Her Campus's content management system and leading the onboarding of new Campus Correspondents, national writers and bloggers, and national interns. Additionally, she oversees technical support for Her Campus and the uploading of national content. Quinn first joined the Her Campus team as a remote intern in February 2010; her past roles include Production Associate, Digital Media Manager, Chapter Advisor, and Study Abroad blogger during her semester in Copenhagen, Denmark. She graduated Cum Laude from Bowdoin College in 2013 as an English major and computer science minor. A native of Scarsdale, New York, Quinn enjoys attending theater and dance performances, traveling the world, reading, the beach, and apple crumb pie. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @quinncohane.