Winter break: a month full of Netflix, eating and generally just laying around doing nothing. You hate to see it come to an end, so you push all thoughts of the spring semester to the back of your mind, and then three days before classes start you realize that it was the worst thing you could’ve done. Keep reading for the signs that show just how not ready you are for next semester.
1. You forgot to get textbooks for your new classes.
2. You don’t quite remember how to write legibly.
3. Your brain is still fried from studying for finals and you can’t remember how to focus.
4. You already have assignments due in three of your classes and you completely forgot to start them.
5. You haven’t finished binge-watching Lost yet and you need to know how it ends.
6. Your backpack ripped under the strain of your textbooks during finals week and you have yet to replace it.
7. Footie pajamas aren’t acceptable class wear, but you can’t even remember where your jeans are.
8. You’ve grown accustomed to sinking down into your couch and you can’t bring yourself to face stiff desk chairs.
9. You forgot how to properly put on makeup and use a hairbrush.
10. You haven’t had to set an alarm in weeks and are afraid that you’ll combust upon hearing the noise.
11. Thinking about having to get up for your 9 a.m. lecture on MWF brings actual tears to your eyes.