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The Ultimate College Bucket List

College is supposed to be the best four years of your life, but it won’t be if you spend all of your time in your dorm room doing homework! While it is important to study and go to class, the beauty of college is that you have room in your schedule to experience the world around you. Soon enough you’ll have a 9-to-5 job, so take advantage of your status as a student and get out there!

If you need some inspiration for how to live your undergraduate years to their fullest, check out Her Campus’s Ultimate College Bucket List. Grab your besties and try to check off every item by the end of your senior year!

1. Take a class just for fun

While it’s easy to get caught up in all the classes that you need to take in order to graduate, chances are you have room for a few extra courses outside of your major(s) or minor(s). Enroll in a crazy, fun class that actually interests you, like Kanye Versus Everybody or Knights of Old and Harry Potter—you’ll learn something new while having fun!

2. Go to a local sports game

Even if you don’t go to school in a major city like New York or Boston, you can still attend a game for one of the community’s local sports teams. Dress in their colors or gear, and make a day of it!

3. Volunteer

Whether you choose to do an Alternative Spring Break or simply spend an afternoon at a senior care center, volunteering is a great way to give back to your community. You’ll be doing good and feeling great about it!

4. Start a club

Is there a cause you’re really passionate about that you feel is lacking on your campus? Do something about it! Starting a club looks great on a resume, plus you’ll meet likeminded people who you might not otherwise get to know.

5. Start a Her Campus chapter on your campus

If your school doesn’t have a Her Campus chapter, you’re seriously missing out. Imagine writing an article similar to this one, but for your very own chapter! If you’re interested in starting a Her Campus chapter at your school, you should definitely apply. 

6. Introduce yourself to someone you’d like to get to know

We all know someone on campus who we think is effortlessly cool. You see him or her in class, but you’ve never actually introduced yourself. What are you waiting for? It may seem daunting, but you two can never become besties unless you put forth that initial effort. And even if you don’t become great friends, at least you put yourself out there!

7. Sing karaoke

Find the nearest restaurant or bar that hosts a karaoke night, get a group of friends together and go sing your heart out. Who cares if you don’t think you have a great voice? Everyone else will be singing along with you anyway!

8. Study abroad

If it’s possible, you should definitely study abroad. You don’t have to go for an entire semester, either! There are often two, three and six-week programs offered as well as semester-long courses. You will have the time of your life—trust us!

9. Get to know a professor

Go to office hours, stay after class or ask a professor to meet you for coffee. Building a professional relationship with your professors is extremely valuable. You will learn from someone in the field you are hoping to go into, practice networking and have a great reference for the future!

10. Apply for an internship

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a freshman or a senior, you can apply for an internship at any point. Reach high, and if you don’t get it, so what? You’re putting yourself out there, plus you’re getting great practice writing cover letters and perfecting your resume!

11. Go to a concert

From local bands to big name artists, musicians are always performing on or near college campuses. Splurge to see your favorite singer, or check out your friend’s band—either way, you’re sure to have a blast.

12. Take advantage of free events for college students

You can flash your student ID for freebies at tons of places—like stores, restaurants, museums, and more. You won’t be in college forever (unfortunately!), so get those student discounts now.

13. Do a group costume for Halloween

In college, Halloween isn’t just one day—it’s a whole weekend! Celebrate Halloweekend in style by coordinating costumes with a big group of friends. And don’t forget to take tons of pictures!

14. Participate in a 5k

There are so many cool 5K options out there—from the Color Run to the 5K Foam Fest. You won’t even realize that you’re exercising, because you’ll be having so much fun!

15. Go to a student theater production

Whether you have friends in the theater program or you just enjoy a good play, seeing a student-run production is a must. Who knows, some of these people could go on to become big stars!

16. Get a picture with your school mascot

Even if you think your mascot is totally lame, snap a photo with them at a sports game or other school-wide event. You’ll look back on it and laugh, plus it will be a great addition to your college scrapbook.

17. Rush a sorority

If you’re at all interested, you should definitely consider rushing a sorority. You might find your perfect fit, and you might not—but at least you can say you gave it a chance!

18. Apply for a leadership position in an extracurricular you’re involved in

Don’t just hang back during club meetings; make your voice heard! Apply to be treasurer, secretary, VP or even president of your favorite extracurricular. It will take you places!

19. Write for a campus publication

Even if you don’t normally write for your school’s newspaper or online magazine, you can contribute an Op-Ed on a topic you’re passionate about. If you really love creative writing, submit a poem or short story to your school’s literary magazine.

20. Go to a themed party

College presents you with many unique opportunities—both in and outside of the classroom! Next time you hear about a theme party, actually go. Even if it’s a total bust, getting dolled up with your friends will be worth it.

21. Audition for an a cappella group, improv group, musical, or play

Even if you haven’t acted since your elementary school play, if performing is something you’re interested in, college is the time to pursue it. Just audition—it will be a valuable experience even if you don’t get the part.

22. Treat yourself to dinner at an expensive restaurant

Living on a college budget isn’t great. Sometimes dinner consists of Kraft Mac & Cheese…three nights in a row. Save up some money and treat yo’ self to a delicious meal that you didn’t have to cook.

23. Participate in a campus-wide tradition

Every college has its traditions, some more outrageous than others. Before you graduate, it is a necessity that you participate in at least one. As a bonus, start your own school-wide tradition and leave behind a legacy!

24. Go to the closest beach

When the weather is warm, take your car or public transportation and explore the nearest beach. It might not be a tropical island, but it will feel great to get some time away from campus. No beach nearby? Try going for a hike or exploring whatever natural beauty your school’s area has to offer you.

25. Do a cycling, yoga or group exercise class at your school’s fitness center

Hopefully you already frequent the on-campus gym, but if you don’t, now is as good a time as any to start! If you’re not sure where to begin on your own, participate in one of the free fitness classes. It’s another student perk that won’t last forever.

26. Spend a day (or a week!) without technology

As collegiettes, we are constantly on our smart phones, laptops and tablets. Challenge yourself to spend at least one day free of all technological devices. If you do this over break, you can’t use class or homework as an excuse to check your computer!

27. Go to a museum nearby

Most museums give students discounts or free admission. Spend a quiet day alone wandering through a gallery, or ask that cutie in your English class out on a casual museum date. Now’s your chance to get cultured.

28. Make a fancy meal for you and your friends

While dorm or apartment kitchens can be hard to work with, take the time to plan a big meal for you and your friends. It can be on a special occasion, like a birthday or Friendsgiving, or just because. Make a day of it—cooking, decorating and of course eating the delicious food you all prepared.

29. Visit a friend at his or her university

In college, it’s easy to get caught up in your own personal bubble. Visit a friend at a different school for a weekend. It will be interesting to see the similarities and differences on a new campus!

30. Take pictures!

Document your college experience on your smartphone, with a Polaroid camera, or however else you choose. It’s important to enjoy moments while they’re happening, but you will want photos to look back on as well.

Don’t limit yourself to these experiences, but use this list if you’re looking to get out of your comfort zone and try new things. Every collegiette should have a bucket list for her four years, so get started on yours right now!

Jamie is a senior Writing, Literature and Publishing major at Emerson College in Boston, MA. She is the Her Campus Life Editor, a National Contributing Writer, and Campus Correspondent of the Emerson Her Campus chapter. Jamie plans to pursue a career in the magazine industry. See more of her work at: www.jamiemkravitz.com