I Did A Thing is our weekly advice column where the Her Campus editorial team helps you out when you ruin your own life (hey, we’ve been there). Email advice@hercampus.com for any and everything you need help with. We’ll answer you (anonymously!) on hercampus.com so we can all learn, together. We’ve got your back.
@thefuturesux:Â One of the biggest things I heard during Her Conference was that you should never settle, and that you should follow your dreams. But what if I don’t know what I want to be or do yet?
“Success is not dependent on the career you choose. It’s about choosing you, then bringing all that you are into all that you do.” – Dr.Lauren
@DrLauren: One of the biggest mistakes we girls and women make is identifying too much with what we do; with the roles we play in our careers and the lives of those around us. Traditionally, we have been taught that our value comes from relationships—being a daughter, sister, girlfriend, wife, mother. More recently, as opportunities increase in the workplace, women have begun to think their value comes from crushing career goals. While this looks like progress, both suggest that women’s value is not inherent but instead, earned by what they do rather than who they are.
Here’s the deal: You are pure value. You came with everything you need to get through this life in a healthy and happy way. Your value is in your presence. Just being here is enough. Each of us is the only person who sees what we see, has experienced what we’ve experienced, and thinks like we think. It’s less about what you do and more about bringing all that you are into all that you do. Success takes much less efforting and much more being you. I can imagine when picking a major in college or embarking on the job hunt, this may seem like a feel-good yet not-so-helpful antidote, so allow me to frame it this way: Just do it.
Whatever seems like a good option today, dive in! There are no wrong decisions. Do something, anything, wholeheartedly. Life happens in stages and phases. Use this stage to gain skills and learn what you can—most especially about yourself. This decision will lead to another and another and so on. As long as you decide each day to use your voice and stand in your power, your impact will be undeniable throughout every phase of your life. There is no cause for stress. It’s impossible to make the wrong choice and miss your inborn opportunity to make your mark in this world. You are inherently worthy. Your place on earth matters and you are here to make a difference. You don’t come with a purpose, you are your purpose. Regardless of what you choose to do today, you can rest easy. You can’t escape you.