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These Studying Tips From TikTok Will Help You Ace Your Finals

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, and not because it’s a cold, dreary winter in many parts of the country. It’s finals season across the college and university map. Whether you’re a bright-eyed freshman or a professional student on your way to a second or third degree, it’s the month to crack down and review the material you’ve been learning since day one. While you may be an anxious mess looking over all your notes, TikTok is here with some fire study tips, tricks, and hacks to get you through this finals season

There are many tried and true methods of studying to use, such as the Pomodoro technique. This requires you to complete a task with no interruptions for 25 minutes, then get a five-minute break. Once you repeat this process four times, you’re allowed to take a longer 15-to-30 minute break before repeating the pattern. If this isn’t for you, there are so many other ways to study. 

So, whether you’ve been preparing for your big tests all month long, or only have time to cram the evening before, here are seven study tips from TikTok to help you ace your finals. You’re so close to winter break, bestie, I believe in you! Make sure to reward yourself with a fancy Starbucks drink, fuzzy socks, or whatever else floats your boat for a job well done.

Utilize Transparent Sticky Notes

Sometimes you just need the right tools for your study sesh. Whether you’re a biology major or a journalism major, transparent sticky notes can help you copy detailed diagrams and charts directly from the book into your notes. Plus, you can overlay the sticky notes in your book and quiz yourself on the terminology by blocking out certain words. Your textbook will be crisp and clean when using these cute adhesives. You’ll be able to test yourself over and over again.

Use a Timer

It may seem trite to use a timer while studying. For some, this may feel like added pressure or an unnecessary way to begin a study session. However, TikTok user @studywclaire notes that starting a five-minute timer and forcing yourself to study for that short burst of time may trick your brain into focusing for a longer period. It’s hard to get yourself motivated, but once you start, you’ll find a groove.

take advantage of google sheets

My FAV study method atm (inspired by @janicestudies on insta) #studyhack #studytok #finalsszn #student #studenthack #finals

♬ About Damn Time – Lizzo

TikTok creator @thatrelatablestudent has myriad study tips and tricks. One method she shares that is free and easy to set up is this Google Sheet study guide. Create questions from a study guide, from your notes, or your textbook in one column and add the answers to the next column. If you remember the answer clearly, mark it green. If you hesitate to answer, mark the row yellow. If you forget the answer entirely, mark the question and answer red. Study until your whole sheet is highlighted green.

Check out her TikTok account for more tips on note-taking, studying methods, and essay help. You’ll be set for this finals season, next semester, and more.

Teach Someone else

It may seem nerve-wracking to act like a professor for a day, but trust me — it’s worth it. Teach the material out loud to a group of friends in your major, your roommate, or to your empty dorm room. Additionally, you can make a PowerPoint presentation to “guide your classroom” through the main topics. Many studies note that sharing information aloud helps you retain the content better. Hope you’re feeling chatty this finals season!

Try Accountability Apps

While studying, it is beyond tempting to have “just one more” scroll through Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter. For the social media-obsessed, try using apps that reward you for putting the phone down. This user recommends the app Forest, available on the app store for $3.99. When you need to focus on a task, “plant a tree” and “watch it grow” as you stay off other apps on your phone. Leaving the app “kills” your trees.

Forest also teams up with Trees for the Future to plant real trees. So, basically, studying helps the planet. There are also free apps that function the same way such as Flora and Plantie. There are so many productivity apps to try out, you just need to find the right one for you.

Use Quizlet and Other Materials Online

If you’re struggling with a subject, that means thousands of other students have or are currently struggling with it, too. This means there are most likely a bunch of Quizlets, Prezi presentations, and more about the class topics available online. This can help you save time on making your own study guides, as well as help you learn the material in different voices. Take advantage of materials already available. Who knows, you may find a digital quiz from someone at your own university.

30-Minute Topics

Spread the word to your friends! Get an A+ with📈 @StudySmarter #studytips #studyhacks #school #college #finals #exams #foryou

♬ About Damn Time – Lizzo

Sure, no one recommends cramming for a test, especially a final exam, but it happens and life gets in the way of a perfect study routine. When cramming is necessary, make sure to understand the big picture of what you’re being tested on. TikTok user @missangler suggests breaking down major topics into 30-minute chunks. If you don’t finish reviewing a topic in that allotted time, you simply move on. Should you have extra time or energy, revisit the topics you need extra time with.

With these tips, you are bound to make the most of every study session this week, next year, and throughout your whole academic career. Good luck with finals!

Maria Serra is the SEO editor at Her Campus Media, providing updates to evergreen content across all brands including Her Campus, College Fashionista, and Spoon University. She also writes new fashion content for College Fashionista, foodie finds and shopping tips for Spoon U readers, and sex and wellness stories for the HC girlies. As a certified emo girl, it’s no surprise that her previous work includes a wide array of music stories. In the recent past, she served as the assistant editor of Alternative Press magazine where she interviewed her favorite groups including The Aces and The Maine. She also worked with music PR firms including 2bEntertainment, and served on campaigns for rockers such as My Chemical Romance and Mod Sun. Currently, she works as a freelance writer with idobi Radio where she shares music and alternative news with fellow pop-punk lovers. She is planning to expand her work into the freelance world with everything from modern rock tunes all the way to more sex and wellness works. After all, she does have a minor in human sexuality and is quite proud to have that necessary and cool academic background. In her free time, she is a stand-up comedian, sketch performer, and improviser in the Cleveland area working primarily with Imposters Theater. Additionally, she is a dog mother to a perfectly round chihuahua-pug named Bobbie who has four teeth but is still a delightful companion nonetheless. She is debating on whether or not Bobbie needs her own TikTok account… we’ll see. mariaserra@hercampus.com