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4 Ways To Get Involved With The LGBTQ+ Community In College

Starting off at college, in a brand new place with brand new people, can be super overwhelming and nerve-wracking. When I was moving in, I was so anxious that I was literally sick to my stomach the entire car ride there. And especially being a part of the LGBTQ+ community, it can be super scary not yet having a place that you feel super comfortable to fully express yourself

But, with time, you will find your place. I can say that from my experience, it definitely took some time, but looking back at my sophomore year that just wrapped up, I really, truly love where I have ended up. But that didn’t just happen; it took a lot of me throwing myself outside of my comfort zone in order to find what I have always wanted out of my college experience: a community that I feel at home with. As a member of the queer community, I wanted to make sure that I was comfortable with where I was and able to be myself, and I think that I have truly found those places for myself. 

And so, in honor of Pride Month, here are some ideas for ways to get involved in the LGBTQ+ community in college that could help you start to find your place on campus, too.

1. Join Queer Clubs

This is one of the easiest things to do in order to engage with others in the queer community. There are likely many clubs that bring together the queer community at your school, such as the more broad clubs for all queer students, as well as the groups for more specific identities, such as a bisexual club. These clubs are super fun to join, and make it very easy to talk to many other fellow queer students, and you are bound come out of this experience with some new friends. 

2. Take A Queer-Related Class 

Many schools offer really interesting classes on gender and sexuality studies, and these classes could be super cool to take as part of your major or minor, or even just for fun as an elective. There would likely be other queer students and professors involved in these classes, so you’ll get to meet people in the LGBTQ+ community. Plus, it also could be really cool to learn about the community from an academic perspective and discover things you might not have ever realized before. 

3. Write For A Queer Publication 

Many schools boast a variety of student publications, ranging from the typical newspaper to glossy quarterlies to online ‘zines. And many schools have queer-specific publications, which could be worth getting involved with, especially if you like writing, photography, or design. Being part of various student publications has transformed my life in college, and it definitely fosters bonds between members. 

4. Go To Queer-Themed Events

This can also be a really easy way to meet other queer students, and a way to go out and have some fun at the same time. (I know that I rarely so no to a night out!) People and groups at my school often have parties off campus that aim to bring queer students together, with themes such as queer prom. These events have such a welcoming vibe, and it would be awesome to get a group of your friends together to go check them out! 

Although putting yourself out there seems so scary (and sometimes really is scary), it often ends up being super worth it. Either you get your ideal outcome, or you learn something about yourself, and both are a win if you look at it the right way. The best piece of advice I can give, especially for those first starting out in your college career, is to say yes to everything. Even if it doesn’t seem like the most interesting thing to do, you never know what you are going to love until you try. So go put your awesome self out there and find your people.

Maia Hull

UCLA '26

Maia is a second year microbiology and immunology major and mathematics minor from San Diego, CA. She loves to read and write, snowboard, go swimming, and hang out with friends, as well as the occasional shopping spree.