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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

9 Thoughts We Have While Watching PDA

Being in the presence of a happy couple isn’t all bad. But when you’re cynical, recently went through a break-up, or just generally enjoy not being bombarded with disgusting lovey-dovey cuteness, watching PDA can be a personal type of hell. Here is every thought we usually have while watching some obnoxious couple flirt: *insert gagging noise*

1. Aw, look at that cute couple!

2. Okay… you’re holding hands, but you can feel free to separate every once in a while so as not to hold up the entire sidewalk.

3. Who plays footsies?! What’s cute or sexy about footsies?

4. Did he just feed her her food? Please tell me I did not just see him feed her her food.

5. You know what, I don’t even care if they see me scowling at them. 

Oh shoot they’re looking at me. Look away! ABORT MISSION!

6. Have some decency, you animals! You’re in public.


7. Ew. I didn’t sign up for this.

8. PDA. Public display of affection? More like, “Please don’t, already.”

 9. Ugh. I’m so single.

Hi! I'm Sarah and I'm a senior at Penn State University majoring in Print Journalism with minors in English and Sociology. The only thing I love more than writing is cheese... and hot dogs... and Netflix... and boys who are good at winking. I am a huge John Mayer fan, I refuse to wear a bra if I don't have to, and I'm essentially an insomniac who takes sporadic naps. I am addicted to filling up my cart online shopping and then realizing I am a broke college student and closing out the page. My greatest talent in life is being able to say all 50 states in alphabetical in under 20 seconds... my parents are very proud of me, as you can imagine. Feel free to contact me at sarahdesiderio@hercampus.comOr hit me up on the Twitter-sphere https://twitter.com/DizzyyyDesi (sometimes I'm funny)