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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

The Best & Worst Spots to Hook Up This Summer

Summer means one thing to me. Okay, so maybe more than one thing (I momentarily forgot about Beyonce’s new album).  But at least one of the five best things about summer is the opportunity to hook up in new and exciting locations. Winter left us stuck inside (yawn), but with warm weather comes a whole new crop (pun intended) of places to get down to business. Some are better (read: less illegal)  than others, so read on for HC’s best and worst hook-up spots and start mapping out your weekends!
The Beach

Anyone who’s ever tried to order a drink underage knows the infamy of Sex on the Beach.  While it may sound totally romantic and exotic, HC votes “no” on this tried-but-not-true location. You know when you lay out on the beach, and even though you’re on a towel, sand ends up, er, everywhere? There are some places where sand should just NOT be. 

Ranking: 3 of 10 (it’s really just the sand thing… oh and possible charge for indecent exposure)

The Dugout at Your Local Ballpark

Head to your old high school or a Little League park close by (after hours, please – the children are our future) for a guy-approved romp. Dressing up for the occasion is a tad (read: WAY) over the top, but definitely wear something you can get dirty in.

Ranking: 7 of 10 (good, clean American fun)

The Bar Bathroom

Ladies, ladies, ladies … this is not a very lady like spot to be intimate. I mean, people walking in and out, the whole hiding-in-a-stall thing and not to mention all the bacteria should deter you from going this route. However, if there is a one-person bathroom with a locking door, you could be in business. Just remember what your mother always told you: DON’T TOUCH ANYTHING.

Ranking: 5 of 10 (relative privacy, yes; cleanliness, no)

Movie Theater

Summer’s the time for all the big blockbusters (The Dark Knight Rises, anyone?), but just because you’re seeing a movie doesn’t mean you should get down during it. Sticky seats and nosy, watchful tweens make for a not-so-romantic experience. Better to spend the movie in anticipation of a steamy hook-up after the credits end.
Ranking: 4 of 10 (you were really gonna divert your attention away from Magic Mike when Channing Tatum could be shirtless?!)

His Car

Car make-outs are A) everyone’s favorite thing about high school and B) still really fun. Keep it at that though – you don’t want a policeman knocking on the back window and telling you to put your clothes on. Up the ante by heading to a drive-in movie theater (if there is one near you) and get your Danny and Sandy on.

Ranking: 8 of 10 (nostalgia)


The Balcony

Balconies are great places to hang out and chill with your girlfriends on warm summer nights. They can also be très romantic. But don’t forget that PEOPLE CAN SEE YOU. If you choose to take a man-friend out on your balcony for a “drink,” keep it PG. And enjoy the view, of course.
Ranking: 9 of 10 (city chic)


Hot Tub

Okay, remember that rumor you were TOTALLY SURE was true when you heard it in the 9th grade? Yeah, it’s not true. You can get pregnant in hot tubs. Super hot water doesn’t kill sperm; it gives you a UTI, more likely. Either keep it PG or head to dry land when things get, uh, steamy.

Ranking: 2 of 10 (when’s the last time this thing was cleaned??)

A Lake

According to collegiettes in the know, a lake hook-up offers the same ambiance of the beach but with less sand and mess. I like to think it offers a nice summer camp vibe – why not paddle out in a canoe and get frisky?
Ranking: 8 of 10 (even if you fall in, you’ll still have fun)

Ice Cream Stand

The one thing I look forward to all winter long is authentic handmade ice cream from the local stand. Why not add to the sweetness by bringing a hottie along? You’ll have to keep it family friendly, but making out on a sugar high is something everyone should do at least once.\

Ranking: 7 of 10 (get creative with the whipped cream once you’re in private)

In a Tent

Summer may be a great time to go camping (you know, if you’re into that sort of thing), but I have one thing to say about getting freaky in what is basically an oversized rain parka: BUG BITES. Do you want these on areas of skin you normally don’t expose? Didn’t think so. If you’re deep in the woods, keep your clothes on.
Ranking: 1 of 10 (OFF! isn’t made for everywhere)
There you have it, collegiettes. We hope you take our advice and hook up in spots that make your summer hotter than ever. Do you have any favorite summer hook-up spots? Tell us in the comments below!

Photo Credits
Car Couple- Shutterstock
Balcony kiss couple- Shutterstock

Allie Jones is an English and American Studies double major at the College of William and Mary.  She's interned at W magazine and is currently the Senior News Editor at The Virginia Informer.  When she’s not chatting up colonial impersonators in Williamsburg, Allie drinks too much black coffee and thinks about going to the gym. She enjoys singing for her friends and planning parties for her chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Allie looks up to Liz Lemon, Carrie Bradshaw and Jon Stewart; 2 ½ of which, she realizes, are fictional characters. You can find out more about the high-brow television programs she watches over at her Twitter, @allierileyjones.