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Students Held a Racist Bake Sale to Protest Affirmative Action at University of Texas Austin

Yesterday was an…interesting day at University of Texas-Austin for members and spectators of the Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) at the school. In an attempt to protest the role of affirmative action at UTexas as well as the policy in general, a bake sale was held that sold cookies at varying rates based on the race of the person purchasing them.

YCT apparently thought their mission was noble, and wanted to educate people about the dangers of affirmative action. “Our bake sale with have a tiered pricing method intended to illustrate this disastrous policy that demeans minorities on our campus by placing labels of race and gender on their accomplishments,” the event description for the bake sale reads.

Okay, let’s jump right in here. This protest by the YCT wants to make people think that affirmative action is “demeaning” because people get certain opportunities because of their race or ethnicity. But it totally ignores the fact that non-white people are subject to systematic and social treatment that makes it statistically more difficult and less likely for them to receive or even have the chance to receive higher education. Affirmative action seeks to remedy that, and it doesn’t mean that the people who get in because of it are any less qualified.

They also didn’t seem to realize how demeaning it is to tie racial groups to certain monetary prices, especially given the racist history of the U.S.

Thankfully, there are plenty of students at UTexas who understand this and were not about to let this protest go on without making their voices heard. Approximately 100 other students showed up to the bake sale to protest, and the infuriation with the event was expressed all over social media.

Margeaux Biché

Columbia Barnard

Margeaux BichĂ© is a current senior at Barnard College living in New York City. During her freshman year, she studied at the George Washington University in D.C., where she wrote for The GW Hatchet. She is a Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies major and is passionate about social justice. While she does not know exactly where she'll take her degree, she hopes she can contribute to the advancement of marginalized peoples through legal and/or activist work. Chocolate covered pretzels are her favorite food, Rihanna is her favorite musician and her go-to talent is her ability to wiggle her ears. Margeaux loves dogs, hiking and her hometown basketball team, the Cleveland Cavaliers, all of which are oft-featured on her Instagram account. Twitter | LinkedIn