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16 Confessions of the final term Undergrad…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

16 Confessions of the final term undergrad…


1. You have perfected the congratulatory statement and smile to people who have sorted their lives out before you and actually have some money headed their way come September


2. When people from Uni ask what you have planned for after graduation you are shocked and appalled. Where is your solidarity? We aimless souls have to stick together.


3. You’ve also got your reply to what you have planned down to a two sentence spiel, the subtext of which is f*** off.

4. You’re so near the end that you can’t bring yourself to care anymore. You start to feel like maybe going to the library at 11am rather than 9am isn’t so bad after all, the work has to get done right?


5. In a blind panic you suddenly decide you could definitely do a masters.

6. But then you realise there is an interview and you probably couldn’t talk for half an hour about what you’ve been doing for the past four years, so you decide to leave it.

7. You start thinking that those incessant emails from Uni about networking events and career days were actually meant for you and that maybe people do go to those?


8. You think you’re being career savvy and set yourself up a LinkedIn Page…

9. But then you realise everyone was doing it the whole time without you. Why did no one say? 


10. You wander past Kings College and get a little burst of excitement, imagining yourself in your robe. Then comes the crushing realisation that they take the robe back and then you’re left alone, robeless with little to no life plan…


11. You get nostalgic when you realise it’s the last time you will be spending your SAAS money on a pile of books that you wont read.


12. Then you remember what SAAS stands for and that you’re gonna need to pay that back sometime…


13. You get offended when you find out people have been slyly getting jobs behind your back…


14. The slow, haunting realisation sets in that you’re going to have to move back in with your parents. Devastated.


15. You start looking at photos from first year and reminiscing about how great it was.  You essentially lived in a big hotel with all of your friends for a year with nothing of any importance to do and you DIDN’T EVEN REALISE… 

16. You are so excited to stop writing essays that you forget that once you leave people are going to judge you on things like your work ethic and personality instead…

But have a little faith fellow graduates- ‘You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.” – Dr. Seuss, Oh the Places You’ll Go!

Currently a 3rd year undergraduate at the University of Aberdeen studying English Literature. And the President and Editor in Chief of Her Campus Aberdeen.