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Campus Celeb – Miss Ysabelle McGuire

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

HC: How did you get into cheerleading?

Ysabelle: At school in year 12 & 13, we had classes during our compulsory PE sessions, and it was hilarious – I had so much fun and so did all my friends, it just made me want to do it more and more.

HC: What made you want to start the society?

Ysabelle: I tried a few of the sports clubs in first year, but could never fully commit. So I wanted to start something that I really wanted to do, and hoped that other people would want to do it too! (turns out they do, thank goodness!) I also happened to be watching One Tree Hill back to back when I decided it would be a good idea, it was ‘Mouth’ and his hilarious routine
 Couldn’t help myself.

HC: Obviously cheerleading is a huge sport over in America but very little is really known of it here, can you give us an insight into the different roles and activities you get within cheerleading?

Ysabelle: Cheerleading is a big bunch of a lot of stuff basically. It involves dance, gymnastics, strength, stunting, and a hell of a lot of teamwork. The stunt groups rely on each of the girls working completely in sync, so the bases, back spot, front spot, and flyer all have to be completely reliable on each other in order to get the stunt up and perfect. We’re super lucky to have so many lovely girls that have joined and are keen to work together to make our squads amazing!

HC: Have you ever had any Bring it On Style moments in your cheerleading career?

Ysabelle: My cheerleading career has thus far been very, very short. But, we couldn’t help but chant the ‘burrrr its cold in here’ song on our cheerio pub crawl! Honestly, who doesn’t know the entire dialogue of that film? Oh and Cliff
 he was so dreamy back when I was like 12.


HC: Do you have any plans to take part in any competitions with the society?

Ysabelle: We have lots of plans for competitions, so far, Disneyland Paris seems the best bet for us this year, but hopefully we will be competing in University Nationals too! We are going to have two different squads which means double the success for us.

HC: How important is sport and an active lifestyle to you? Especially being at University.

Ysabelle: My parents, have always bought me up to be quite active and healthy; Before I came to University I was in my school football team and my local football team, and as my dad is a kickboxing world champion – I got into his kickboxing classes and progressed relatively fast with three training sessions a week although mum didn’t want me to compete over fear of cauliflower ears
 I have got much more into leading a healthy lifestyle in the last year after slacking off for my first two years of university, I find being healthy makes me happier – and you don’t have to get rid of all the good snacks to sustain a healthy lifestyle!

HC: How do you manage to fit being in a society around Uni and work? Any Tips you’d give to our readers?

Ysabelle: I am currently in executive positions in three university societies and sit on a national board for Conservative Future Scotland – so my life is pretty hectic (I’m pretty sure that if I didn’t live with my boyfriend, I would never see him!). But societies and sports are the best way to socialise at university – you meet all sorts of amazing people. It’s been three weeks and I have already met some of the most amazing girls at cheerleading, the time is worth the reward. You just have to plan your time effectively, I just make sure I know what I have planned at all times and that way I can manage it and sometimes fit little trips home my family in!

HC: If a friend could describe you in 3 words what would they be?

Ysabelle: Probably bossy, thoughtful and focused.

HC: Who do you look up to most and why?

Ysabelle: I don’t really have anyone famous that I look up to in particular, I love BBC’s Nick Robinson and his work but, the only person I have ever aspired to be like is my big sister (so cheesy) but she’s my best bud, and she is the strongest person I know. She is an entrepreneur, and it is from her and her aspiration and ambition that I learned that I could do whatever I wanted to do.  It definitely helps that she is the best person to speak to for advice, and knows me better than I know myself!

HC: And finally for those who are interested in joining, what makes cheerleading stand out from the crowd?

Ysabelle: Cheerleading is like nothing you have ever done before, it is a completely different sport, everyone is in the same boat and we all have the most fun. I don’t think you depend on people in any sport as much as you do in cheerleading, and that is one of the reasons everyone is so close, and why you can have so much fun.


Currently a 3rd year undergraduate at the University of Aberdeen studying English Literature. And the President and Editor in Chief of Her Campus Aberdeen.