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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

The 9-month cruise  

As you are reading this there is a likelihood that the 9-month cruise, named The Ultimate World Cruise, is sailing around the world. Ran by Royal Caribbean Cruises, it will visit 150 destinations and 11 wonders of the world including Christ the Redeemer, the Great Wall of China and the Taj Mahal. In the span of simply 9 months, The Ultimate World Cruise intends to see over 60 countries. 

The most basic price for the entire cruise is $59,999 for a cabin on the inside with no windows, the most expensive cabin is $117,000. There is also the option to join the cruise for a period of 9 days to 28 days and these vary in price – meaning a constant cycle of new people on board the ship.  

On board, the amenities include a gym, running track as well as a deluxe drinking package which includes free alcohol during the entire cruise. A pool deck, hot tubs, spa and casino are also accessible on board. When guests were first welcomed on board, they were able to collect a fitness diary to keep track of their exercise, assumingly because 9 months on a cruise ship with everything within a five-minute walking distance could notably harm their overall health.  

Food and drink  

When the cruise was announced there was a worry that by spending 9 months on a cruise ship the people would suffer from food fatigue due to the repetition of the food on board. It is hard to change the menu on a cruise ship that much, especially on a long cruise. There was also an issue with wine; early on in the cruise, there was a shortage of wine. As the cruise is so long, it is to be expected that there will be such issues. 

The Flooding Incident  

Early in the cruise, the passengers had to endure the Drake passage which lies between the tip of Argentina and Antarctica. When the cruise ship passed through this passage it was extremely rocky and caused a lot of seasickness. Several floors of the cruise ship flooded. 

The appeal of the cruise was that it would be a chance to explore all 7 continents, with the chance of cultural parties and experiences in all the countries they are visiting. 

The cruise is the first of its kind with the hope to expand to longer and longer cruises.  

Hello! I am a third-year student studying English and International relations at the University of Aberdeen. I enjoy reading and photography.