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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

With fall coming, a lot of things are changing. This includes the tempurature, the leaves, and everyone’s wardrobes as well! Here you will see some upcoming trends to look out for this fall! 

1) Plaid

Whether it’s on a dress, skirt, scarf, or shirt, this is a pattern to look into this season! 

2) Dark Lipstick 

This bold lip has made it’s way into the spotlight recently, and has no plan of leaving this season! 

3) Ankle Booties 

Not quite a boot, this cute shoe is the perfect way to tie together an outfit during the chilly months. 

4) Turtleneck Sweaters 

Not only does turtleneck protect your chest and neck from the cold, it also looks very chic. 


5) Dark Nails 

Out with the light, in with the dark! 

6) Big Sweaters 

They’re warm, cozy, and cute! They are the perfect way to look comfy and stylish all at once. 


Melissa is a journalism student at Adelphi University, and hopes to one day write for magazines and/various media types.