This may seem simple at first; you just cut out a bunch of old magazines and paste the pictures you think are nice, right?  Not exactly. A vision board can be so much more! For many, a vision board is a type of creative road map for future success.  Here are some steps to get you started on your journey:
STEP ONE:  What exactly is your vision?  This vision doesn’t have to be limited to one area.  It could be a combination of things: spiritual, mental, career wise, physical, emotional, etc.  Visualization is one of the most powerful exercises we can do.
How do you want your life to be in a few years? Or even (if you think this far ahead,) a few decades?  What is the spark that keeps you going? What are things you want to work on?
STEP TWO:Â Â Set the mood. Â Create an environment that is conducive for your creative juices to flow! Â This is your board, you are in control and it should be something that is representative of who you are or at least who you want to be.
STEP THREE:Â Find pictures that represent the feelings, possessions, and experiences that you want to attract into your life. Â Whether it is consciously or subconsciously, if you see something enough times it starts to stick in your head.
Find words that inspire and encourage you, like affirmations, meaningful quotes, and even inner thoughts.  These will help keep you on track with your vision. The supplies are a major ingredient in this project so make sure you have everything you need!
STEP FOUR:  Be patient.  Make sure that when you are doing this, you give yourself time.  This isn’t something you would really want to rush, it is something that should feel natural and even maybe cathartic. Â
And there you have it!  After cutting and pasting for two hours, you have a long-lasting road map for success.  You now have a physical outline of how you envision your future. Whenever you feel off track, this will remind you which way you need to go.