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It’s Not Too Late To Score That Summer Job/Internship!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably counting down the days until the end of the semester.  The weather finally warmed up, so why would we want to be in class instead of at the beach? I can literally taste summer.  Tank tops, ice cold lemonade, and spending time under the sun.  What could possibly better?

Unfortunately for us college students, summer vacation means we’re one step closer to becoming an actual adult in the *gasps* real world! While we’re allowed to have fun, we also need to start learning how to adult properly.  That means finding a summer job or internship.  Haven’t started the search yet? Don’t panic. If you try hard enough, you can still successfully land that position. 

Start your searching yesterday!

Yes, I meant to type yesterday.  Any summer position is competitive whether it’s an internship with the best book publisher, or a simple job at your local froyo shop.  Keep your eyes peeled for any opening.  Don’t be scared to apply for something because it’s better to know that you tried instead of wondering what could’ve been.  If you have no idea where to start your search, google it! Something that catches your attention has to pop up.  Use LinkedIn, or as I like to call it, the adult Facebook. Let’s face it, we’re basically adults.  Ask anyone–family, friends, even neighbors. Someone is bound to know something.

Attend job and internship expos.

Some universities host expos for students to get more information and to find a position that’s right for you. Just a heads up Panthers, Adelphi has one! I know tons of people who actually leave these expos with either a job or an interview.  

Dress to impress.

This goes hand-in-hand with the previous tip.  If you go to an expo or any type of information session, dress to impress! In this situation, it’s better to be overdressed than under.  I know it’s hot, but leave those shorts and flip flops at home.  I took an internship class here at Adelphi and one thing that the professor constantly stressed is to buy interview attire.  Even if you start out with one pair of pants and one shirt, you will need it! Invest in business attire, because you’ll look like you know what you’re doing, even if you’re crying on the inside.

Utilize Handshake.

Fellow Panthers, did you know we have our own site to search for jobs and internships? It’s called Handshake, and you can find it on ecampus.  Click on the “services” tab and then scroll down to find “Job and Internship Search”.  Here you are able to add personal information and even upload your resume for potential employers to see.  You can search for seasonal jobs and internships and if all of your information is on handshake, you can apply for the position with one click. I highly suggest checking it out if you’ve yet to find something. 

Resumes are important.

How you dress isn’t the only thing that matters.  If your resume looks like a third grader did it, consider yourself out of the picture.  Universities offer resources to help you build the ideal resume.  Often times these resources are available at the Career Center.  If you have absolutely no time to make an appointment with a counselor, then Google is here to save the day again.  It may not be the best option, but it’s better than nothing!

We hopes these tips were useful for anyone who’s freaking out! We believe in you Collegiettes, and we know that one day you’re going to rule the world. (Maybe not, but go big or go home right?)Â