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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

Year: 2017

Major: Speech Pathology

Nationality: Greek

Relationship Status: Single

Her Campus Adelphi: What qualities do you hope for in a significant other?

Kiki Rizos: Great personality and adventurous!

HC: What are some things that turn you off?

KR: Turn offs would be someone who thinks he’s a big shot, shows off, and has a loud mouth!

HC: What’s the first thing you notice in someone you’re interested in?

KR: Their smile!!

HC: For a date, would you rather stay in or go out?

KR: Go out

HC: What are you usually up to on Friday nights?

KR: Friday nights are casual hang-outs around the town with my girlfriends.

HC: How would your friends describe you?

KR: They’d describe me as a “Greek Goddess” (Greek Pride!), goofy, funny, caring and smart.

HC: What’s your favorite movie?

KR: Home Alone (LOL)

HC: What’s your favorite food?

KR: Sushi, of course

HC: Who’s one of your biggest role-models?

KR: My mother!

HC: What do you see yourself doing in five years from now?

KR: In five years from now hopefully I’ll be working in a school as a speech pathologist and maybe even married!

HC: Let’s hear a random fact!

KR: I love eating raw sea urchins in Greece every summer. So delish ;)

Carolyn Garcia is a Junior at Adelphi University. She was part of the Her Campus High School Journalism and Publicity Ambassador program during her junior year of high school and that opportunity was what allowed her to discover her passion of writing for media. Since then, she's become a Social Media rep for Seventeen, a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista.com, a Campus rep for Rent the Runway, a contributor for TheDaily411.com, and a Campus Ambassador for CAMBIO #BUILTBYGIRLS She's now the publicity/social media coordinator for Her Campus Adelphi, which she couldn't be more excited about. If you're interested in becoming best friends with her, you should tell her you love Taylor Swift and Chocolate Mint Tea.