A vast majority of us are blessed with some serious side effects when Mother Nature drops off her monthly gift. We’ve probably tried all the basics in order to get rid of the pain: heating pads, warm water bottles, ibuprofen, hot tea, the list goes on. However, there are some pretty wacky ways we can fight period pain! Some of them might shock you.
Eat your veggies!
Okay, this might not come off as a shocker. If you eat healthy, your body will stay healthy. Having a low-fat diet helps your body by decreasing inflammation!
Hit the gym!
Exercising releases endorphins, which are hormones produced by the central nervous system, in the pituitary gland. It’s known as the “feel-good” chemical, because, well, it makes you feel good!
Pleasure yourself.
That’s right, orgasms release the same feel-good chemical as well. In fact, a higher amount of endorphins in the body correlates to a lower level of pain. It’s like magic!
Consider birth control, but not for what you think.
My doctor has actually recommended this to me because of how bad my cramps get. Birth control has one main job, but something else that it also does is fix hormonal imbalances, which are typically the root causes of menstrual cramps in the first place. Fixing the problem from the very first step seems like a bold, respectable idea!
It’s extremely important to drink as much water as you can, wherever you go! It also helps to stay hydrated during that time of the month because it can aid with the bloating caused by your period.
Bubble bath!
When your uterus is trying to squeeze itself to death, maybe all it needs is a nice, warm bubble bath. Submerging your body at a warm temperature, especially in water, will relax all those tense muscles, therefore soothing your pain.
No, these aren’t your typical go-away-cramps remedies, but they’ve been shown to work. The next time you feel like you’re at war with your uterine lining, try one of these weird methods!