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Having a Post-Quarantine Identity Crisis? Me Too!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.

Since coming out of quarantine, getting vaccinated, and trying our best to move forward with our lives, nothing seems the same, nothing feels like it used to. Especially, coming back to campus and getting back into the groove of “returning to normal”; hellos and goodbye to our friends, working, attending meetings, and so on. There is no easy way for me to describe this but, It feels like I’ve been wearing a mask. Not a literal one that everyone should wear, but metaphorically. I’ve been trying to be mature and go forward with things, and I’ve been doing everything to the best of my ability but nothing feels quite right. I try to be the greatest version of myself that I can. Despite this, I often find myself comparing myself to my peers thinking: “I’m not as advanced” or “ I’m not as skilled”. Everyone seems to be doing well and progressing. It feels like I’m pretending or like I am having an identity crisis or perhaps some anxiety. There are so many questions that have been left unanswered. Post-Quarantine life has been puzzling. 

However, It may seem that everyone else has it all together, I feel that we may all be feeling this way in some form or another. Here are some important things to remember about identity and yourself that could help with those thoughts: Identity can be a variety of ways that we use our experiences to tell the world about ourselves. People identify themselves through their occupations, accomplishments, traumas, interests, relationships, or failures and violations; These can all be things that make us ashamed or proud but they’re only labels.It is very easy to get overwhelmed with thoughts like this.Whether you consider yourself to be a student, a grandchild, a liar, a painter, a professor, a cancer-survivor, or something else entirely. 

Talking to friends about your thoughts or reaching out to someone you know who will listen can help. You can also try writing/journaling, trying new things, or engaging in hobbies. Be sure to treat yourself to a hot cup of tea and a few minutes of meditation or deep breathing every now and then. Most importantly examine your present story and put yourself to the test. Allow yourself to let go of previous labels and decide what kind of person you want to be and make decisions based on who you want to be going forward.

Anyone, at any age, can experience an identity crisis, and during such strange times a lot of people are experiencing feelings of misplacement as well as questioning themselves and their beliefs. Above all else, please remember that you are not alone, it may be hard opening up to friends but talking about these feelings helps, or you can schedule an appointment with the Therapist/Guidance counselor on campus. It can be difficult to remember these labels we give ourselves and others are just that: labels. They do not define us.

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Colby Derico

Agnes Scott '23

Hi! My name is Colby Derico. I'm a junior and English major at Agnes Scott. I'm a proud NAACP member, avid reader, climate change enthusiast, and former cheerleaders at ASC. This is my first year joining Her Campus. I hope to offer useful and encouraging articles this year. :)